Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Absolute Disaster of Separation of Church and State...

Where is "separation of Church and State" in the Constitution?

The simple answer: it's not in the Constitution.

An easy, but thorough read, of the First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

But there is another section of that one sentence: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

I ask again: Where is the "separation of Church and State"??

It is my contention -- and the contention of many others -- that the so-called separation of Church and State has wrought havoc on society by kicking God out of the public sphere to the extent that even simple crosses erected many decades ago to honor those veterans of the various wars, being ruled un-constitutional by the out-of-control federal courts.

And with the absence of good, the void created will be filled with evil -- all of the time, without exception!

Not recognizing or acknowledging our complete dependence on our Creator, has led to some of the most bizarre and devastating phenomena I have seen in the last 60 years or so.   This includes the loss of the sanctity of life, and has led to "mission creep": contraception, then abortion, then homosexuality, then euthanasia, and now infanticide, as well as the almost complete destruction of the bulwark and building block of society: marriage.

I'm not blaming the "separation of Church and State" completely for this mess, but also the near-prevailing of the gates of hell against the Catholic Church in the form of the weakness of its shepherds, as well as the giving in to the "spirit of the age" with very poor catechesis since that total disaster known as the Second Vatican Council.

In years past, the civil and secular society were in sync with (Catholic) Church teachings which carried over into almost every aspect of life, signifying God's omnipotent hand in His created creatures.

But no more...

Hence, we have the un-natural in place of the natural; morality is almost completely gone; wars and rumors of wars, and all the mayhem that goes with it, including the suffering of the innocent, are the norm.

I wonder how much longer the Almighty will put up with the evil that permeates almost all of society, especially the taking of innocent lives being sacrificed on the alter of "choice"?

I would strongly recommend that those wearing the shoes of those who perpetrate such atrocities, to repent and do penance, lest they spend all of eternity cursing the God who made them.  They have free will to choose good or do evil.  The choice is theirs...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla


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