Thursday, May 23, 2019

What's Really Behind The Push For Unrestricted Abortion?

Population control, with the ultimate goal of population reduction to "save the planet".  At least that's what the leftists are spewing, but the real aim is to "purify" the races a la the Nazi plan for a master race.

We all know -- I hope -- that abortion encompasses many things, among them is the wiping out of those pre-born, and now the born, children that are deemed disabled, the wrong sex, or perhaps, the wrong color?

Who is sponsoring this vicious attack on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  The elitist monsters who have abandoned God, their Creator, to become their own petty, little gods.  Billions of dollars of blood money is being poured into these efforts by many of those founders of "social media", as well as diabolical billionaires such as Soros, et el.

Margaret Sanger, the foundress of what was to become "planned parenthood," was a proponent of eugenics from the beginning of her reign of terror against black Americans in the southern U.S.  She was routinely praised by none other than Hitler himself for her efforts to eradicate blacks from American soil.

To this very day, many of the larger abortion mills are located in the urban areas heavily populated by blacks, along with Hispanics and other groups.  True, some Hispanics still retain some remnant of their Catholic/Christian faith, so the idea of killing their developing baby is still considered a monstrous act of mayhem and death, which, of course, it is.

There is another element here that has to be mentioned, and that is the unfettered "right" for unrestrained, promiscuous sexual activity with no one to answer to.  After all, contraception is readily available for the females (and also the males), and, if a "mistake" occurs, then there is always abortion: the "legal" killing of the conceived baby.

What the Left fails to mention is the very uncomfortable fact of the consequences of multiple sexual partners: the quick spreading of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  Not to be left out of the equation, is an epidemic of syphilis among homosexuals!

The hard Left always accuses us pro-life, "right-wingers" of perpetrating a "war on women", but they are the real killers of female babies -- the real war on women!

Pray for an end of abortion, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla 


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