Wednesday, May 22, 2019

More Concern For A Chicken Than a Pre-Born Baby?

The leftist Hollywood lunatics have more concern for the way a chicken is raised and treated than how a pre-born baby girl is torn apart in the womb of her "mother"!

Think I exaggerate?

This from Warner Todd Huston on

Some 25 actors, models, and professional athletes joined forces for a PSA from Mercy For Animals, urging viewers to demand McDonald’s “eliminate the worst cruelty for their chickens.”
Among an assortment of animal rights activists demanding that you “take action,” the video features the likes of actor James Cromwell, electronic music DJ Moby, former NBA star John Salley, and actors Ignacio Serricchio, Mark Hapka, James Kyson, Alexandra Paul, Kimberly Elise, Daisy Fuentes, Daniella Monet, Emily Deschanel, among many others.
“Chickens used by McDonald’s are among the most abused animals on the planet,” the group exclaims on its website. “Bred to grow so large so fast, they often can’t walk without pain. Hundreds of brands — including Burger King, Starbucks, Subway, Jack in the Box, and Denny’s — have committed to banning the cruelest practices inflicted on chickens. McDonald’s has not. Let McDonald’s know that animal abuse is bad business.”
My Comment: it is said that when those who reject God, He then allows the operation of error to enter their minds and intellect so they can no longer determine right from wrong, or good from evil.  We see this example of these Hollywood elites having more concern for a chicken, than for the life of an innocent pre-born baby.  
This is an obvious twisting of the Natural Law to fit their agenda.  And what is that agenda?  The destruction of pre-born life, and, by extension, the destruction of the family that has been given the task to co-create with God and bring new life into the world.
These miscreants want to foster a wide-open, do-anything-you-want-society, answering to no one.  But to their surprise(?) they will eventually have to account for those sins that cry to heaven for vengeance...
The barbarism that is involved in the killing of the pre-born is now well-known, and yet, it is perfectly "legal" to do so, according to the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision that, for all practical purposes, created law, rather than interpreting the Constitution.  Laws can only come into existence through the Congress and Senate, and signed by the President.   
I'm sure the Founders must be spinning in their graves for this, and for many other reasons...
Pray for our country!
Gene DeLalla


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