Sunday, May 5, 2019

Self-Hating Liberals...

The title of my article is redundant, I know, but it is important to point out the stupidity of the hard Left and their scary agenda to turn our country into a Godless, hedonistic, anything goes society.

In fact, we're just about there already...

One of the factors that is leading to the success of their plan, is the absolute capitulation to the spirit of the age, and weakness in the Catholic Church currently being run by a band of self-hating (there I go again!) progressives and homosexuals.

If there could be weeping and gnashing of teeth in heaven, it is going on right now!

This entire ethos carries over into secular society, and it can be seen in the nonsensical rantings of the current field of Demonrat politicians hoping to unseat President Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

I have been around since President Truman, and I have never, ever seen such sadomasochistic, self-hating (there it is again!) lunatics hell-bent on instituting some of the most bizarre policies that would put the final nail in the coffin of a free nation, still -- whether they like it or not -- under God, even though they would like nothing better than to remove the mention of God even on our currency.

Given the current field of these miscreants, it is sad to see and hear that age does not necessarily bring wisdom, but just more history repeating itself over and over, as if we were tied to a chair with no way to escape, being tortured by watching "Ground Hog Day," nonstop!

I dare not mention the names of these Demonrats -- we all know who they are, but none of them have anything positive to say about our country, nor do they have any substantive plans or policies that would benefit the nation, but rather drag it down to their filthy, Godless version of a socialistic or Communist utopia.

Unfortunately, these enemies of God have a great deal of support from brainwashed college students and graduates -- the future leaders of our country!!  Heaven help us!!

Mr. Trump is not perfect, but if one of these screwballs ever gets to the Oval Office, get ready to lock and load...

Pray -- earnestly -- for  our country..

Gene DeLalla

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