Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society..

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society...

Why does this have to be explained?

Unfortunately, it has to be explained because of the incessant attacks on the institution, made a sacrament by the Son of God Himself, at the Wedding Feast at Cana -- also, the location of the first public miracle of Christ, turning water into wine.  This, of course, was a pre-figure of the inexhaustible, continuous flowing of His blood to nourish the world for the salvation of all men (and that includes women, to those who might not know that "mankind" includes all).

The "wine," including His Body in the form of consecrated bread, was given to us as food for the soul at the Last Supper, the one and the same Supper that He consecrated, not only bread and wine, but also His Apostles as priests (and as bishops), commanding them to do this in commemoration of Me.

The idea now floating around in "Catholic" circles that Christ isn't really present in the tabernacle or in the Eucharist, is the same idea that most Protestants have been circulating since the Protestant Revolt of the 16th Century by the arch-heretic, Martin Luther.  For those unfamiliar with Luther, he was a Catholic priest-turncoat who betrayed, not only Our Lord, but in doing so, betrayed His mystical body, the Church.

This horrendous heresy has wrought havoc in the Church and in the world at large thinking that God is, for all practical purposes, dead.  In fact, back in the 1970s that blasphemy was widely circulated throughout the culture, leading to many other errors as well as the loss of faith of far too many Catholics, much of this stemming from the "progressives" at the Second Vatican Council and the disciples of the devil!

Shortly after that council ended, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical (Humanae Vitae -- 1968) condemning  artificial birth control or contraception. Unfortunately, many Catholics, including their bishops, ignored that binding document.  The reason was simple: Catholic women had already bought into the sin of contraception long before 1968.

The damage was done.

The state of Holy Matrimony suffered under the weight of giving in to the "spirit of the age".

And, as one thing leads to another, after contraception, the next step was/is abortion.  Next, traditional marriage in general was torn asunder, leading to mass divorce, sexual relations outside of marriage, rampant homosexuality, and now infanticide.  The children of married Catholics routinely go without being baptized, leaving their immortal souls in jeopardy, not to mention the parents failing in their responsibility to teach their offspring about the Catholic faith.

In the face of this horrible mess, there is hope, as many younger families are embracing the traditional Latin Mass, and living in those communities that value and study their faith, and pass that knowledge on to their children.

Traditional Marriage: The Building Block of Society...

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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