Thursday, May 9, 2019

There Is No Doubt: The Democrats Hate Life!

The Demonrats are without a doubt the most murderous group of politicians that I have ever seen in all my years!

Their power and influence are directed against the most innocent of our species: the pre-born -- and now the born!!  Pure INFANTICIDE!

How on earth can anyone vote or support their horrendous agenda to wipe out the most vulnerable: those little babies that are developing in their mother's womb -- it's supposed to be the safest place in their little world -- until they come into the world and breath air!

One Demonrat recently stated that what is growing in the woman's body is not human!  Let that sink in: the baby in her mother's womb is not human!  NOT HUMAN!

These little babies are denied the choice to live; they are denied the choice to grow and prosper; they are denied the choice to love and be loved; they are denied the choice to be good citizens; another endless list...


Because of the extreme hate and malice that is directed at them simply because it is "legal"!  Simply because they can't fight back, and depend solely on those who believe in life, to fight for them.

Those who claim to love Christ; to follow Christ, there is no way on the face of this earth that those who make those claims, can vote for, or support the Demonrat party and their hideous satanic sacrifice of our little girls and boys on the alter of "choice".

The few -- the very few -- men or women in the Demonrat party that are pro-life, are silenced and relegated to the "back of the bus," lest they be run out of town on a rail by their colleagues.  But shouldn't they speak up and be run out of town on a rail for doing the right thing?  Why do they accept being bullied?   Why are they still in the Demonrat party??

The Repbulicrats are not perfect, not by a long shot, but at least most of them are standing up for those tiny babies because they know, not only that those babies are, indeed, human beings, but also that some day they will have to answer to God Almighty for their actions -- or inactions!

Our good God is a rewarder of good, and a punisher of evil -- if that evil is not finally rejected and those who do evil do not repent, then they will be held accountable.  And that accountability will be severe; there will be JUSTICE!

The Demonrat party and their supporters are becoming more and more violent, yet they accuse US of what they do!!   But this is their offensive; their modus operandi.

The Demonrats must be defeated at every election and in the public sphere with non-violent, convincing arguments and prayer -- a lot of continuous prayer!

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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