Sunday, May 5, 2019

Insane Attacks on Free Speech!!!

If  you think that banning Alex Jones, or Paul Joseph Watson, or Laura Loomer from the various social media is okay with you, then think again.  Because the next ones to be prohibited from exercising their free speech will be --YOU and I!

In fact, I bet this article will be banned from Facebook by the Gestapo goons that monitor all that you and I write and post.

Let's see how long it takes for my "Insane Attacks on Free Speech" to get pulled and banned -- it won't take long.

But those Leftist lunatics can write lies and fake news all they want, even filth -- graphic pornography -- and get away with it.  They -- the anarchists -- can call for violence against the President, and they will not be banned.


Money and power has corrupted these anti-American useful idots; it may be too late to reverse their agenda, but then again, maybe not.  There are other social media that is being developed as I write.  It may be well to abandon the enemies of free speech and join other venues...

We cannot all be fat and happy and let things continue as they are.  If I do get banned, then I'm out of here!

I will let you all know what happens, then again, it might become self-evident; stay tuned!

Pray for a defeat of these anti-Christ, anti-life, anti-American socialists, and pray for our country, especially strength and resolve for President Trump!

Gene DeLalla

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