Monday, May 20, 2019

Wrong is Still Wrong Even if Everyone is Doing It...

The great (Catholic) Bishop of Hippo (Africa), St. Augustine, once said that wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even if no one is doing it...

With the unrestrained onslaught of evil currently permeating our society in the form or the destruction of the pre-born, and rampant homosexuality -- even within the Catholic Church -- the consensus of those who commit such atrocities, is that if everyone is doing it (not everyone is doing it!  That's what those deeply involved in the anti-life movement want us to think), makes it right or okay.

It is  not, and never will be "right" or "okay".

Better to find this out now, rather than at one's Particular Judgment!

Right now, we have numerous Democrat (Demonrat) politicians who are running for their party's nomination for the 2020 presidential election, spewing death and filth from their mouths thinking that the average American Joe is all for their abominations.

I strongly disagree, and the evidence is piling up that those miscreants are wrong -- dead wrong -- in believing so.

These Demonrats are living in a parallel universe, unable to distinguish between good and evil.  This point is self-evident!

Anyone -- that's anyone -- who claims to be a Christian, and follow Christ, yet succumbs to the mindset that abortion is a woman's "right," or that nothing is wrong or unusual with sodomite "marriage," are simply fooling themselves at the very least, or condemning themselves at worst.  In effect, they are useful idiots thinking that when the country is turned into an anything goes, socialistic mad-max-type society, they will be on top of the heap.  In reality, they will be the first to get their comeuppance.  It will be swift; they won't even know what hit them!

Remember, that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for far less than what we tolerate in this country.  If divine intervention took out those cities for their gross sins, how much more should we be in fear and trembling concerning our own, personal salvation (St. Paul)?

Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, and right is still right even is no one is doing it....

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

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