Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Fear The Hard Left "Progressives"!

2020 is not just another presidential election.  On the contrary, it might be the end, or a new beginning of our republic.

I say this will all due fear of the hard Left "progressives" and anti-life, anti-American, anti-free speech, and anti-Second Amendment lunatics they have put forth for the Democrat nomination for president.

Fear these people!

This is no joke or exaggeration!

I urge all to do their homework and research this radical group of miscreants that would happily destroy what is left of our freedoms, and turn our beloved country into some sort of "Shangri-La", or, better said, socialist world of dead dreams and dead babies.  The only groups reproducing will be the Muslims, and the so-called minorities, for all practical purposes, replacing the native-born, white American population.

Just take a look at the self-hating white males and females running for the Demonrat nomination: for instance, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of the morally dead commonwealth of Massachusetts.  This character accuses anyone who differs with her extreme vision of what America should be as being racist, bigoted, and loaded with hate!  In other words, her conscience is so troubled and disturbed that she projects her hate, bigotry and racism on to those of us that simply want to live our lives in freedom under the laws of God.

Former vice president, and known sexual predator Joseph (Joe) Biden... This "Catholic" is perhaps the lowest of the low, being completely insulated from his bizarre behavior around young children and women by the compliant lackeys in the media, not to mention his inability to speak or think clearly, al la Nancy Pelosi.  Yes, good old Nancy -- I wish I could put a coherent sentence together -- Pelosi.  A radical pro-abortion supporter, but still declares herself to be a "devout Catholic".

Sure, she is not running for the nomination of the Demonrat party, but this dangerous monster is only a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land in the event the president and vice president are incapacitated.

There are others, of course, such as the Communist (he calls himself a Socialist) Bernard (Bernie) Sanders of Vermont; Sen. Kamala Harris of California; Robert O'Rourke (the phony "Hispanic"); the openly homosexual "Mayor Pete", as well as others.  But they all have one thing, if not more things, in common: they are ALL radical anti-life, pro-abortion supporters.

When you come right down to it, one cannot have Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness if one is not alive -- not allowed to be born in the first place.

All have sold their hearts and souls to Satan for power and position in this life, with no regard for where they will spend eternity.  Remember, our works will follow us, and we will be held accountable for our actions or inactions, regardless of those who say otherwise.  We cannot escape our Particular Judgment on the day we leave this earth...

This is why we must do our best to see that President Trump is re-elected.  I don't agree with
everything he does or says, and he is weak in some areas, but at least he is trying to be a pro-life leader and to overturn much of the destruction that the heinous 1973 Supreme Court decision "legalizing" the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born!

Please do what you can do support our president and defeat the worst field of Demonrat politicians I have seen in decades.. And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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