Friday, May 24, 2019

This Is Very Difficult For Me To Watch...

I love my country.

But I see a nation divided, not as the hard-Left incessantly says that our nation is divided because of Mr. Trump, or the Republican agenda in general, but because of the daily slaughter of the pre-born, and now the born.

What on earth can be more "dividing"?

Tiny, developing girls and boys are destroyed because it is "legal"?

When will this end??

"We" are accused of not having "feelings" or love for our neighbors, especially the illegal aliens flowing into our beloved fatherland like an uncontrolled tsunami, but their reasoning is disingenuous at the very least, and planned and diabolical at worst.

The Left doesn't care about anyone except themselves.  They have set themselves up as god.  To hell with everyone else!

They care little for the future of our country and the future generations that will come in spite of their attempt to control and reduce the population through unrestrained abortion, along with euthanasia, rampant homosexuality, and now infanticide.

The family is their target: the antithesis of the demon...

Most of the liberal, elected representatives in the Congress and the Senate, as well as in many states across the nation, are quite Pharisaical in their actions -- they tell us that we must do as they say, but they live otherwise...

Christ was very specific: He said that their father is the devil.

The modern-day Pharisees may wear three-piece suits, dresses or skirts; they are as slick as grease and lie with straight faces.

Things will only get much worse before they get better, but they will get better because God will not be mocked!  He will intervene, if necessary, into our earthly affairs if, we, as a nation do not repent of our uncountable sins against life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under His divine laws as revealed through His (Catholic) Church...

One remedy for this on-going tragedy, is prayer, and a lot of it.  So, I say again: pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla 

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