Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Rise and Full Force of the Gestapo Media...

Back in 1930's Germany, under Hitler, if the media dissented from the party line (the Nazi line) then that medium, or media -- if more than one publication joined in the criticism of the ruling regime, the screws of censorship -- or much worse! -- kicked in to silence the opposition.  In many cases, those accused of "treason" or sedition, would not only be put out of business, or lose their prized reputation, they just might lose their very lives!

Fast forward to today, and see what is happening on the various social media, and that includes Facebook, run by the 34 (soon to be 35)-year-old Zuckerberg.

Just one of the "masters of the universe" who just cannot get enough money and power.  Fine.  But he has turned out to be another Hitler when it comes to "allowing" criticism of his tactics.  He directs the silencing of any opposing opinion, but has allowed, and continues to allow, bizarre anti-life, anti-Natural Law, and pure malice and hate to thrive on his platforms, while outright banning those he disagrees with.

This is called hypocrisy, among other things!

So, dear reader, know that yesterday I posted an article from Infowars -- that was shadow banned --about that commie from New Jersey, Sen. Booker, who flat out stated that if Americans -- the last time I checked, that includes you and I -- that if elected president, he would have no qualms about putting in jail anyone that refused to surrender their "assault rifles" if we didn't comply with some sort of weird by-back program, so called.

Let that sink in!

Welcome to Amerika!

This is why we must earnestly fight these commies and defeat any effort to destroy the Second Amendment, because if this -- or any other of his ilk does win the Oval Office, then you can kiss your remaining freedoms goodbye.

Remember, the Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment for a reason: to counter a tyrannical government from enslaving its citizens, period!

If one reads the Declaration of Independence -- if you haven't, you should -- it clearly states the following: ... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security... 

The Founders weren't kidding; they risked life, limb, reputation, security and the pursuit of happiness to give us America.  If we betray them, we betray ourselves -- and God!

Pray for our country, and for the defeat of these miscreant, useful idiots, that would happily enslave us!

Gene DeLalla

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