Saturday, May 4, 2019

Pope Francis: Destroyer of the Faith!

I believe that the Chair of Peter is currently occupied.

But I also believe that the Chair of Peter is coming apart at the seams; it is on its last leg and faltering badly, with little hope of repair, at least not by human hands.

And that is the key: it will take more than human hands to bolster and support the Chair of Peter and bring it back to the mission it was given by the Divine Founder; the One Who gave St. Peter the keys to the kingdom in the first place.

Whoever occupies -- now or in the future -- that illustrious Chair of Peter, he must direct the "ship of state" back to its original purpose: the salvation of souls.  All else is secondary...

The problem with Pope Francis is that he has lost that all important mission, and has replaced it with revolutionary issues such as "climate change"; immigration; and most astonishingly, "accompaniment," instead of preaching penance; amendment of one's life; and dedication to working out one's salvation in fear and trembling (St. Paul).

He seems to have forgotten about the mission of the evil one: sin, lies and deceit, but has, in fact, helped satan by turning a blind eye to the homosexual invasion and occupation of most of the institutions in the Church.  He has also appointed deviants who support the sin of sodomy, to positions of power and influence especially here in the U.S.  

He continues to disparage those who attempt to hold to the traditions that we have preached, in word or by our epistle (St. Paul).  And for some unknown reason, he despises the traditional Latin Mass and those that hunger and thirst for it.

We are labeled "ridged"; "doctrinaire"; "judgmental".. another endless list, I'm afraid.

If I'm not mistaken, that is why Christ was sentenced to death and crucified because He was "ridged"; preached a new doctrine, and was "judgmental" of the hypocritical Pharisees...

They couldn't take it, so they killed Him...

Now, faithful Catholics are being persecuted by the very one who is supposed to suffer with us, not being the cause of our suffering!

The irony of it all!

I ask all of good will to pray for Pope Francis, and while we're at it, we must continue to pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

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