Friday, May 10, 2019

Man Placing Man Above God...

In my last article: There Is No Doubt, The Democrats Hate Life, I explained how those in the Demonrat party amass all the power and political influence in order to make sure that the war against the pre-born continues unabated.  The now-dead Sen. Kennedy, for instance, through legislation, helped to make sure that would, indeed, continue after he died, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as nationally.  I would hate to have been in his shoes as he faced Christ -- the Author of life -- at his Particular Judgment, and have to answer for all the babies he sacrificed on the altar of "choice".   What a horrible legacy and curse upon what remains of the Kennedy clan!

We can see the results of this continued war on the pre-born -- and now the born!!  We see it and hear it right out of the mouths of those monsters that support this ongoing massacre of babies -- even if they survive the murderous attempt to tear them apart or chemically dissolve their tiny bodies -- by leaving them to die alone and cold in the presence of the abortion mill workers and "doctors".

A bill sponsored by Republicans to prevent infanticide was again -- for the 38th time!! -- killed in committee by the Demonrat majority in the form of that mass killer: Nancy Pelosi, the self-described "devout Catholic"!!

This female is a femme-fatale to her own sex when the little baby girls are slaughtered on a daily basis all across this country.  At least President Trump is trying his best to support the pro-life movement to counter the ongoing satanic culture of death so well entrenched and now codified in "law".

Add to this ghastly and grisly situation, the addition of homosexuality, the so-called LGBTQ, and the "transgenderism" agenda, and we have a recipe for national disaster far worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

All this is happening because of many factors, chief among those factors is the widespread weakness in the Catholic Church through the human element of the Church caving in to the spirit of the age, whether to go along to get along, or to destroy its perennial teachings of the past 2,000 years, especially those on faith and morals.  Let's call it a vast left-wing, Communist conspiracy!

Another factor, which encompasses all the rest, is that man is placing man above God, his Creator.

Another sure-fire way to bring down the wrath of God Almighty on our country and world, is to continue these sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: the killing of the innocent (babies), and the sin of Sodom...

In the long run, we get what we deserve, don't we?

There is always hope!  So pray earnestly for our country!!

Gene DeLalla

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