Friday, May 17, 2019

The Antifa of the Abortion "Industry"...

The violent and radical anarchists known as Antifa, are also to be found among the supporters of the killing of the pre-born, and now the born -- infanticide -- as they attack, almost on a daily basis, those pro-life folks peaceably praying outside the bloody abortion mills.  The lackeys in the mainstream media refuse to cover any of these stories, but if those attacked were the abortionists or their minions, then all hell would be unleashed, and stories would be plastered on all the networks and liberal radio stations non-stop, all day long.

Attacks and death threats are captured on videos, but to no avail.  Fortunately, however, the police are beginning to crack down on these monsters only because there are so many instances of such assaults, many with battery, a much more criminal action with greater consequences.

We now have elected, leftists, Demonrat politicians calling for violence against us pro-lifers.  Some, going as far as recording their own attacks!  Really stupid!  If these nuts go to court for prosecution, their guilt would be self-evident too...

How are we pro-lifers to react?

Always with peace and love!  But I'm not talking about the "peace and love" of the '60s flower children, but with Christian peace of mind, and true charity toward our neighbors, that is what real love is!

But also keep in mind, that we have the right to self-defense if anyone physically attacks us; this is under the Natural Law, and God-given common sense.  As a Catholic, I follow what the Church teaches in that regard, and one can defend oneself up to and including taking the life of an attacker under certain circumstances.

We Christians may be meek, but not weak!  The difference is titanic!

All the while we have to keep in mind that God almighty will unleash hell on those who continue to kill the pre-born unless they repent and amend their lives..

Pray for these lost souls, and pray for our country to end the scourge of abortion.

Gene DeLalla

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