Thursday, May 16, 2019

Prayer and Reparation For The Crimes Against The Pre-Born -- And Now The Born!

How much longer will God allow the continuation of the killing of His most precious gift to us: new life, as co-creators with Him, before He whacks us with His almighty -- and justified -- wrath?

The rage and hate directed at those who attempt to protect those tiny lives, and give the little girls and boys a chance to breath air, by the deranged and radical abortionists or those who support the so-called "right to choose," has become so apparent there is no doubt who they "work" for: the demon; the father of lies, death and mayhem.

When Christ was crucified, Satan thought he won the battle against God; he was mistaken!  Because at His resurrection, the Son made manifest to the world, that He conquered death and sin, and opened the doors to eternal life for those who believe and are baptized.

But those not of God, are sent the operation of error that creates a tunnel vision of sorts, so they cannot distinguish the basic difference between good and evil.  This is a recipe for moral and spiritual disaster.   And for those who embrace the culture of death, which includes, not only the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born -- but also the scourge of homosexuality and its associated diseases leading to physical disability or death, will have much to account for when they meet Christ at their Particular Judgment.

The taking of these tiny female lives is wreaking havoc in two nations, each, with over a billion people: China and India.  There are now 35-37 million more males in each country, then there are females.  This has led to bizarre remedies or outright disaster for those men who cannot find the "girl of their dreams" and raise their own families.  But they get what they deserve, don't they?

I must give a warning to those Catholics who think that they can be "progressive" and still maintain their standing of sanctifying grace in their souls, are fooling themselves, or have been completely brainwashed into thinking that the Church has changed its teachings on faith and morals.

They are gravely mistaken.

Dare -- DARE! -- any Catholic who presents himself or herself at Mass to kneel and receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist (the Bread of Life!), and still has one foot firmly planted in the mindset of "choice", is committing a deadly sacrilege against our Lord.  This becomes a matter of Confession (St. Paul). Remember, Christ gave to His Apostles the power to forgive or retain sin, and what is bound on earth, is also bound in heaven (read the Bible!).

And for non-Catholics, I urge all to come into the one Ark of Salvation established by God's only begotten Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who wishes all men to be saved -- and come to the knowledge of the truth...

Pray for strength and forgiveness, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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