Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Warzone in Gun-Controlled Chicago...

Chicago has the most restrictive gun policies in the country, and that includes New York City (the town run by that communist mayor, de Blasio).

Some of the following information is from an article from Zero Hedge...

Over the Memorial Day weekend, 42 people were shot, and 7 died of their wounds.

Every 3 minutes and 57 seconds, someone in Chicago is shot. A person is murdered about every 18.5 hours.

For the month, 40 people have been shot and killed, 175 people shot and wounded, and a total of 43 homicides

Year to date, 174 people have been shot and killed, 720 people shot and wounded, and a total of 189 homicides.

You see, my dear friends, the useful idiot, liberal politicians that run that butcher shop, can't get it through their thick heads that the outlaw -- the bad guy; the gang member; the drug lords, etc. -- don't buy their weapons at a gun shop and go through the background checks as the law-abiding folks do.  The bad guys can get any weapon they choose, so long as they have the money -- it's called the black market.   

So, in effect, the good and decent folk are prey for the murderers as they go about their daily business, hoping and praying that their neighborhood will not become another Hue (do a search and see what happened to Hue during the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam...).

But this is all about control: control of our Constitutional right to bear arms -- against the enemy.  And make no mistake, the enemy are the outlaws, plain and simple.

Remember, it is NOT the job of the police to prevent crime, it is the job of the police to RESPOND to crime, and by that time, it could very well be too late for the law-abiding, innocent, man, woman or child to continue to breath air...

Pray for all those killed and wounded in Chicago over this past weekend, and pray for a quick end to Liberalism, and those that perpetrate the hoax of their version of "freedom"...

As Ben Franklin famously said (paraphrasing): those that give up their liberties for security, deserve neither...

Gene DeLalla

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