Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"Catholics"/"Christians" Who Defend -- to the DEATH -- Abortion...

Not a day goes by that we DON'T hear of some supposed Catholic, or some other Christian denomination swear by the Bible that abortion is "okay", or "willed by God", or "abortion is the Christian thing to do", all in the name of "women's rights", or some such blasphemy.

Far too many of the current frontrunners for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election for president, are -- in name only! -- Catholic; there are others...

How discouraging it is to see just how low these murderers have sunk in order to procure votes for public office.  But I contend that it is only because of how low the perennial teachings of Mother Church have sunk over the years, in the way of poor catechesis and failure to uphold the doctrines and dogmas of the Church.  On the other hand, I'm not surprised by this, because Christ was crucified for His doctrine; His teachings...

Not much has changed in 2,000 years, has it?  However, the modernists -- the human element within the Church -- have taken almost complete control of the inner workings of the Church, and, in effect, have reduced to a meaningless formula, the Faith of our Fathers...

Do these names sound familiar: Robert Francis O'Rourke (he takes the handle of "Beto" to identify with the Hispanics.  I don't think they're that stupid!);  Joseph "Joe" Biden (the sexual predator and child groper);   Also, AOC: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (the radical socialist); and Nancy Pelosi (a mother of five and a grandmother!  But she would happily snuff out the life of babies developing in the womb of other mothers-to-be).  I'm afraid this can be another almost endless list of traitors to the Faith and humanity...

I truly fear for the souls of these miscreants... if they don't repent of their grievous sins before they stand before Christ in their Particular Judgment, then they will suffer the pain of eternal loss of the Beatific vision; how horrible is that?  Not to mention the endless attacks from the demons forever!

Pray for these poor souls, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Enemies Within the (Catholic) Church...

The following is an excerpt from an article by Dr. Christopher Manion, Ph.D. that I recently read on ChurchMilitant.com...

"To sum it up: The bishops endlessly sing the praises of their Democrat allies, browbeat the faithful about global warming, remain silent about pro-abort Catholic pols and cover up for their guilty brethren in the abuse scandals. But they aren't "hypocrites" and "Pharisees" — we are, because we disagree with their radical left-wing political agenda."

What more can be said?  And I think the above paragraph sums up what we faithful Catholics are up against in the modernist-controlled Church of Our Lord.

But!  It's not only a treasonous clergy that are attacking holy Mother Church from within, it is also the Catholic laity that have lost the sense of what a Catholic should be, according to the perennial teachings of the very same Church they are members of.

In other words, there are church-going Catholics who no longer think that Christ is present in the Holy Eucharist, or, that those Catholics that adhere to the infallible proclamations of the Church are just a wee-bit too extreme for their own good.  After all, it's not just Catholics that can get to heaven, just so long as your next door neighbor is a good guy; family man; a great bowler; charitable, etc., you know, all the things that society considers makes a person "good," well, he can get to heaven too.

I'm not here to judge a person's soul or even his/her heart; that's God's job, if you will.  But we are taught that by their fruits you will know them, and, yes, Virginia, there are nasty people who will never see God after they pass from this veil of tears, except, of course, to see and account for their beliefs or non-beliefs, and, especially, their works, whether good or bad, at their Particular Judgment.   
And I wonder just how many Catholics still believe in a Particular Judgment??

Christ told His Apostles to preach and baptize all nations, and those who believe and are baptized will be saved, and those that believe not will be condemned.  

Those are not my words, but the Lamb's...

But we have to get back to just what we believe... If the Son of God commands us to believe what He taught, that simply means that we have to believe what He taught, not what we think we want to believe.  In other words, we can't make Christ into our image, but must be made a new creation (St. Paul) in His image..   The difference here is titanic! 

So, if someone tells me they are a believer, do they believe all that Christ taught?  Or, do they pick a verse or two from the Bible and form their own belief system?  My dear Protestant friends are notorious for that, but it seems that far too many Catholics have fallen into that trap also.  Hence, if I believe what the Church infallibly teaches, and I adhere to those teachings, why am I labeled a radical traditionalist by other Catholics?   I will, however, accept that handle and wear it as a badge of honor -- and persecution if need be.

In conclusion, I have to say that the enemies of the Catholic Church are ubiquitous -- from without -- but it seems to me that the greater enemy is from within; this is truly horrifying!

I ask all of good will to pray for the Remnant of the Catholic Church (and become part of that Remnant!), and pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Political Correctness: Deadly to the Soul of the Country...

Let's tear down some more statues!  Let's change the celebration of Columbus Day to something stupid like Indigenous Peoples Day.

And more recently, how about not mentioning that the massacre in Sri Lanka was directed toward Christians (read: Catholics), but now the demonic media say that "mobs of Christians" are attacking Muslims.  So, which is it?  Were the Easter "worshipers" not Christians or Catholics?  But now -- magically -- "mobs of Christians" are seeking revenge against the Muslim Jihadists?

And don't dare refer to some loony guy dressed up as a female as "sir," that is, unless you want to get sued or worse, maybe even physically attacked.

And don't complain if your daughter is forced to share a bathroom with a male, claiming to "identify" as a female -- or else suffer the consequences!

What is the remedy for that nonsense?  Pull your children out of the public school indoctrination centers, and teach your kids yourself!  After all, the primary teachers of a child are the parents!

And, of course, don't refer to the illegal aliens invading our country as -- "illegal aliens", otherwise you just may be labeled as "racist".

And by the way, just what is real racism?

An example of real "racism" would be something like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., telling people that we should JUDGE a person by their character, rather than by the color of their skin.

Wow!  Now that is really being politically incorrect, and that's considered racist by the hard Left's twisted thinking, right?

Now, remember, the radicals always accuse "us" of doing what they, themselves do.  Let that sink in: the leftist radicals always accuse "us" of what they do!

And never thirst for justice to bring the real "Russian conspirators" to face a jury of their peers, or else you just may be accused of being a conspirator yourself!

As the title of my article reads: Political Correctness: Deadly to the Soul of the Country.

It is.

Don't be politically correct, for the sake of your family and our country.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Facade of the All American Boy Next Door...

Here is a definition of the Boy Next Door from the urbandictionary.com.

"He is unassuming in appearance and behavior. Introverted, quiet, and in some cases, extremely shy. Most would probably just describe him as 'your typical boy'. On the surface, no one extraordinary. Just a minor character in the cast of your life.

Only, when you look closer, he's so much more. His unassuming nature has made it so that his incredible talents are generally unknown to his peers. In reality, he's brilliant, contemplative, and has some kind of hidden talent. As it turns out, he's very clever, giving him a rarely-found mature sense of humor.

Something else that is overlooked: his appearance. You won't notice if you don't look quickly, since he won't draw attention to himself with loud words or loud clothing. But his face is something special. His features are balanced and symmetrical. His skin is clear and smooth. His hair is soft, and so are his eyes. His eyes make your heart skip a beat. His modest smile makes your insides churn."

Definitions can be deceiving!

Enter another Democrat throwing his political hat into the ring now running for the Democrat nomination for president of the United States in 2020: Seth Moulton.

This character is a former Marine; served four tours of duty in Iraq, and is now a congressman from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Massachusetts.

I find it difficult to believe that after potentially seeing death, mayhem and sacrifice during his tours in Iraq, this monster is 100 percent onboard to continue dealing death, mayhem and sacrificing the pre-born baby girls and boys on the alter of "choice", but no choice for the babies he wants to exterminate, of course.

Translation: he is no different than all the other criminal politicians on murderers row, willing to do the bitting of the demon in order to perpetuate the lie of "women's health", or "women's rights," -- excluding the rights of the human children in the womb.

As a brother veteran, I respect his risking life and limb during his military service, but I absolutely condemn his full-blown efforts to support and defend abortion up to birth, and now infanticide!

This, from Lifenews.com:

The so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act” was introduced in Congress in 2017, with dozens of Democrat sponsors, including likely presidential candidates Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kristen Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders.
Nicknamed the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act” by pro-life groups, the bill would have invalidated nearly all state and federal abortion regulations, including waiting periods, informed consent requirements, bans on late-term abortions and sex-selection abortions and more.
The congressman has also failed to speak out against Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats blocking a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions. He has failed to sign a Discharge Petition allowing a vote on the bill on the House floor — that puts him on record supporting their decision to allow infanticide to continue unprosecuted.
My comment: You just can't trust the "boy next door," especially when it comes to life and death of the pre-born, and now the born.  

These miscreants are no different than the ancient Aztecs slaughtering humans to appease their gods, only now these slick-talking killers wear three-piece suits, or skirts or dresses.

So much for the "boy next door"...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla  

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If There Was Any Doubt...

If there was any doubt about the Democrats losing their minds all because of their extreme malice toward President Trump, and their despicable hate for our country, then the latest lunacy of the Left should clear up any of that doubt...

Just what is going on with the Demonrats?

The "frontrunner" for their party for the 2020 nomination for president, is none other than that socialist senator from Vermont, Bernard Sanders.  Many know him as "Bernie" Sanders.  I prefer not to use his nickname, as I'm not a friend of this maniac.

Why is he a maniac?  For several reasons, not the least of which is that he is in full favor for the killing of the pre-born, and now this poor excuse for a politician (do all politicians fall into the category of poor excuses?) is dead set on allowing convicted felons to vote in all elections, including all presidential elections!

Just recently, he was asked about letting murderers, child rapists; terrorist bombers and others, to vote in various state and federal elections.  He replied, that, yes, they should be allowed to exercise their franchise to vote.  This, directly contradicts the fact that convicted felons lose their right to vote while in prison.  After they pay their penalty and leave prison, some states -- not all -- allow these people to vote once again.

(The Demonrats have nothing of substance to run on, so, they create a tangled web of lies and stupidity simply because they hate the president so much.

No matter what good Mr. Trump does, it is not enough, or not recognized for a good.  While, at the same time, they continue to appose him at every turn, sabotaging his meager efforts at safeguarding  our country from an invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border.)

But take heart!  These Demonrats are so desperate they are digging their own political graves come the 2020 election, and assure the re-election of Mr. Trump.  He is certainly not perfect by any means, but just think if a Sanders-type gets into the Oval Office, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye, and that includes your right to keep and bear arms; free speech; and to keep some of your hard-earned money, not to mention the continued destruction of innocent, little pre-born babies -- and now those who survive the attempt to kill them through abortion: that's called infanticide.

Let us never forget that the hard Left now wants to give the "right" to vote back to those that have killed, raped, bombed, kidnapped, tortured or committed mayhem on society simply because they despise America and all it stands for...

Pray that these miscreants fail miserably in their attempt to gain the highest office in the land... and pray for our country..

Gene DeLallla

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Ultimate Sacrifice...

Continuing the theme of Easter of suffering and death -- and Christ's final victory over suffering and death, I would like to comment on what the ultimate sacrifice means to me, a veteran of the Vietnam War, and what it means to those families that suffer the loss of a loved one in a war, or even in peacetime.

I say peacetime, because those who serve in the military can suffer the loss of their lives or limbs in accidents as well as in combat.

When I was in Vietnam from late December 1967, to late December 1968, I was an easy target of the enemy, not only when I was protecting the perimeter of the base, but also when I was on special convoys, or escorting the Vietnamese nationals that worked on the base during the day, back to their homes in the nearby city of Tuy Hoa, or providing perimeter security for engineers drilling water wells out in the "boondocks".

If I had been wounded in action or killed in action (WIA or KIA), it would be said that "He was wounded for his country."  Or, "He died for his country."


But when in Vietnam, I wasn't fighting for "my country," as such, but rather fighting for the freedom of the South Vietnamese people so they could determine for themselves if they wanted to live in freedom or suffer under Communist domination.  Only indirectly was I "fighting for my country," because both countries shared those values that make a people free...

I was willing to make the "ultimate sacrifice," though I didn't want to be wounded or die, but if that had to be when fighting for my brothers, I would have done so.  You see, in war, it is not necessarily the cause one fights for, but for each other!

Fast forward to the present...

The other day, we were informed that one of the members of the community, while serving in the military, was killed.  He was 23 years old, and recently married.  We are not sure in what country he was in when he suffered fatal wounds, or even in what branch of the service.  I have heard conflicting reports of same.  But he is gone; his family had to "celebrate" this Easter without their son, and brothers and sisters of this man mourn with their parents.

He made the ultimate sacrifice; we pray that our risen Lord will have mercy on his immortal soul, and, at the same time, comfort -- in some way -- his parents and siblings.

Today's Mass was offered up for him: there is no greater or more powerful prayer than the Mass, where Our Lord's ultimate sacrifice is repeated as on Calvary.

(To those who think that we Catholics "crucify" Christ again and again in a different way, they are mistaken.  The Mass is the same sacrifice as occurred on that Good Friday, not a new one.)

I ask all of good will to pray for the soul of this young man who made the ultimate sacrifice -- on Good Friday!

RIP, my brother...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, April 20, 2019

American Dream, Or American Nightmare?

As Easter approaches, we recognize and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, and His victory of death and sin.  It should be a celebration for all of mankind, but it's not.  Not because some don't believe, well, in reality, some don't, but I'm referring to those American families that have suffered the loss of their loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens.

How so?

Many, by drunk drivers who have been deported time and time again.  Or those poor souls that had their lives taken by the most heinous of means: stabbings, fatal gunshots, and other horrible ways, mostly for money or out of pure malice or uncontrolled lust.

These illegals know how to play the system, and are, in fact, helped out by screwy liberal "civil rights" lawyers who will do everything in their corrupt power to see that justice ISN'T done!

But where is their zeal for justice for those lives brutally taken from their families?   There isn't any...

The Angel Moms and Dads fight for some measure of that elusive justice, only to be frustrated and saddened even more because, in many cases, those illegals are treated with kid gloves and deported once again.  We even have loony politicians who run so-called "sanctuary cities" keeping law enforcement in the dark when it comes to the apprehension or whereabouts of the bad guy illegal.

The question is: how many American citizens have been killed over the last 15 or so years by illegal criminals?

The estimate is quite high, and can be as many as 40,000 to 60,000!  I have also seen the estimate of those illegals in the country placed at about 11 million or so.  The reality is more like 30 to 40 MILLION -- or higher!   This is a more realistic number as the human flood of illegals continue to storm our shores like an uncontrolled tsunami battering ram, knocking down whatever inadequate border defenses we have in place, witch isn't much...

President Trump must -- MUST! -- exercise his Constitutional powers to protect our borders regardless of the complaints of the Demonrats, or the ultra-liberal "judges" throwing roadblocks up at every move the president makes.  Mr. Trump should simply ignore these "judges" and close the border at once, deploy our troops, and build the wall A.S.A.P!!

The hypocrites in Congress cannot be trusted to do the right thing, on the contrary, they continue to do the wrong thing, all for the future votes of those that enter our beloved country illegally, promising "free" money and "free" education at YOUR expense!

Meanwhile, the Angel Moms and Dads will not see their offspring celebrate Easter; they are dead and buried, while the monster, killer aliens go about their miserable lives...

Pray for those families that have lost their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandmothers and grandfathers, friends and neighbors to the killer illegal aliens.

And while you're at it, pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Will You Have A Personal Relationship With Christ This Easter?

What does a personal relationship with Christ really mean?

I ask, because I know Protestant friends and relatives that say they have such a relationship.  But do they?

I am a Catholic, and I have the most personal, most intimate, and most saving relationship with Christ, our Lord.

True, I make mistakes (sin), but we Catholics have a remedy for that; it is called Confession or Penance.

But what about that most personal, most intimate relationship?

I will quote the following from the King James version of the Protestant Bible...

St. John, Chapter Six: Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

Let's take a look at St. Paul, I Corinthians II, 23 through 29, regarding the Eucharist...

We see he discusses the Eucharist in these pertinent verses: … For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till He come...

...For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body...

How much more personal and intimate a relationship can one have with our Lord, Christ??

No one has it simply because they say they have it, without doing what Christ commanded us to do.  The difference between saying and doing is titanic!

What happened when our Lord said those words to the disciples that were following Him?   They said this saying is hard, who can hear it? ...and they walked no more with Him...

...Then said Jesus unto the twelve, will ye also go away?  Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go?  Thou hast the words of eternal life.

Will my Protestant friends and relatives join me this Easter and come to the one Church that was founded by our Divine Savior for the salvation of all?   You can do it!  Don't let peer pressure or family criticism or worse, stop you from entering the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

And don't be fooled by Satan trying to discourage you because of the scandals that you hear about on a daily basis.  They are sinful, corrupt men, but the Church itself is the Spotless Bride of Christ.

I invite you to seek out a traditional Catholic priest -- I will help you! -- and get the counsel you need to start the process of becoming one of the Church militant, with the ultimate goal of becoming one of the Church Triumphant and be with Him forever!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The RACISM of the Democrat Party...

"We" -- white (and black!!) conservative Americans -- are always labeled as racists, right?  If someone hasn't heard or seen or read that, then that someone is living in a cave!

I'll prove my point post haste...

The other day, some character by the name of Al Green, a Demonrat representative from Texas's 9th congressional district, was questioning seven bankers during a committee inquiry.

But just before he started the questioning of those bankers, he said that his eyes perceive that all those seven bankers were white, and that panel (of bankers) were all white men, and that if he was wrong, please raise your hand (to indicate that someone was something other than white).

There was not one single sound as this racist made those remarks, not one.  And no one from his Demonrat party on that committee made any attempt to counsel their racist colleague.

For those who remember Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., or have read about him in the history books, you would know -- as I do from my own personal experience, and doing my high school term paper on Dr. King back in 1963 -- that he famously stated that there will come a day when a person is judged by his character, not the color of his skin.

Apparently, Green has completely betrayed the goals and struggles of his own black, civil rights icon.

This blatant display of racism I guess is okay if one is of the Demonrat party, but heaven help any "white man" who says what he said, only referring to blacks, and he would be run out of town on a rail -- after he was tarred and feathered!

The hypocrisy of these malice-filled haters is beyond belief, and that is why we must always be on guard to protect our right to free speech backed up by our Second Amendment right.  That is the prime reason why the Founding Fathers saw fit to include that most important (2nd Amendment) right, knowing that there might come a day when such creatures as Green would sit in the House of the People, the Congress of the Untied States of America, and spew racist hate at anyone not black or brown or yellow, etc...

PS: this information is in the public domain, but I viewed a video that contained pertinent information regarding Green that was shown on the David Knight show on Infowars.com.

Pray for the defeat of such politicians, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla    

Monday, April 15, 2019


Here is one definition of a lie...

A lie is an assertion that is believed to be false, typically used with the purpose of deceiving someone.  ...And a person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar. Lies may serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individuals who use them. Generally, the term "lie" carries a negative connotation, and depending on the context a person who communicates a lie may be subject to social, legal, religious, or criminal sanctions. 

Here is one form of an oath taken in court:

For a witness appearing in court, the form of oath taken is generally as follows: "I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.".

Here is the oath of enlistment in the U.S. military: 

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). So help me God.

Is the definition of a lie, and oaths taken in court or enlistment in the military service connected in some way?

Yes, of course it is...

Politicians and witnesses take the oath when they are going to testify before Congress or some committee, that the testimony is supposed to be truthful and accurate.  If they deliberately lie, then they are subject to the pains and penalties of perjury.

I wonder just how many politicians and members of the various federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the U.S. have perjured themselves all in an effort to execute a coup d'etat against President Trump in an attempt to remove him from office?

Do the words of an oath mean anything anymore??

That's more of an rhetorical question than anything else, as so many have been PROVEN to have perjured themselves over the last few years, but have suffered little or nothing for their lies.

The idea of swearing to God Almighty also seems to mean little these days.  I can only come to the conclusion that those miscreants, traitors and perjurers, don't believe that they will be held accountable for their perjuries.

I seem to recall, however, one of the Ten Commandments: thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

But things just may be in the process of changing, as we now have a new Attorney General of the U.S. (Barr).  I know he is on the right track because he is consistently being attacked by the "deep state" conspirators almost on a daily basis.

Let's see if Mr. Barr has the guts to continue doing his job, or if he caves to those real conspirators and traitors to our country, all the while masquerading as "Americans".

Let us all pray for our President, the new Attorney General, and for our country...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, April 12, 2019

Celebrating the Arrest of Julian Assange?

If you are one of the many celebrating the arrest and possible extradition of Julian Assange to the U.S. for conspiracy and other "crimes," I suggest you put the cork back in the bottle and wait for some tiny measure of justice before you take that first drink.

Far too many of us have short -- very short! -- memories.

The charge of the supposed release of classified information from hacked DNC servers by Assange, is quite ironic.

Think, first of all, of Hillary Clinton's illegal and dangerous use of her personal server to house classified (some Top Secret!) messages that we now know was hacked and intercepted by the Communist Chinese, leading to the death of more than just a few undercover agents in that country working for the CIA.

How many have ever heard of the deaths of those agents?  Probably few, if any, due to the complicit media and their accomplices failing to report the truth, and, at the same time, protecting the real enemy in the form of the former candidate for president in the 2016 election.

But there is much more to this treason of Clinton and others of the "deep state".

Assange is as pure as the driven snow when compared to the sabotage of these miscreants.

If you want to take a glimpse of the real events, look up the supposed "robbery" and the actual murder of Seth Rich.  Does that name ring a bell?  It should.  Rich worked for the DNC; he was privy to so much intimidating information, that he could no longer look the other way.  In other words, he had a conscience, and it is reported, or at least supposed, that he was getting ready to spill the beans regarding the absolute corruption of those he trusted to do the right thing.

The servers of the DNC were not hacked from an "outside" source, but from within.  There is much technical information that points to this fact...

I'll say it again, I wouldn't be popping the cork to celebrate the arrest of Assange.  Remember, that we have many enemies both foreign, and most importantly, domestic, that would like nothing more than to see this country become another Amerika, where you and I would no longer have the ability to criticize the government and seek redress for our grievances through the courts...

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Defend Free Speech At All Costs!!!!!

If not, then here is what will -- and is already happening!!!

Hiram Mann. a New York City attorney who died at age 83 in 1955, had these lines published in the Wall Street Journal in 1947:

No man escapes
When freedom fails,
The best men rot in filthy jails;
And they who cried: “Appease, Appease!”
Are hanged by men they tried to please.

If you think this can't happen here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, think again.  Just take a look at the various social media and see just who gets censored or banned for speaking truth to counter the lies of the hard, radical Left...

Gene DeLalla

A Pro-Life Democrat!

This from the Daily Caller:

Democratic Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the last Democrats in Congress to oppose abortion, addressed the annual March For Life on Friday.

The annual rally in Washington, D.C. has taken place every year since the Supreme Court handed down its landmark “Roe v. Wade” decision in 1973. Since 2004, Lipinski has represented Illinois’ 3rd District, which is solidly Democratic but heavily Catholic.

My comment: let us have hope and continue to pray for an end to the scourge of abortion and support, with prayers, this decent man, Dan Lipinski.  He should abandon the Demonrats and become an Independent or Republican.  He has been terribly ostracized for his pro-life stance by fellow Demonrats.  I don't know if he is a Catholic, but at least he supports and defends the sanctity of the pre-born from the horrors of abortion.

If only "Catholic" politicians would live up to their Faith and support the right to life, it is very possible that hearts and minds would change dramatically in this our beloved country.  But until then, I find it most difficult to exclaim: God bless America, but, instead, beg: God have mercy on our country!

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Cruel Irony!!

"...that anyone who "tortures, willfully inflicts inhumane injury or pain," or "cruelly and unnecessarily beats, maims or mutilates..." has committed a felony punishable by up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."

Does the above paragraph refer to the killing of the pre-born, and now the born babies that survive an abortion, but still suffer the above atrocities?


What I wrote is taken from an article from Lifesitenews.com.

The Democrat governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, recently signed SB1604, named Tommie's Law, into law.  And "Tommie's Law" states that if anyone "...tortures...maims or mutilates..." any dog or cat will be subject up to five years in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."

 Remember, this is the same governor that made no retractions or apologies for stating -- on air! -- that a baby that survives an abortion should be made "comfortable", then it is up to the mother, et el, to decide if the baby should be kept alive or killed (murdered, that is)!  

Governor Northam, I contend, must be intellectually possessed by the demon.  This is a prime example why I use the word "Demonrat" when describing these monsters that feel more for a dog or cat than a defenseless human baby.  He must have a cold, dead heart; a blackened soul, incapable of discerning right from wrong; completely against the Natural Law and the Commandment not to kill (murder).

In the military, we call what has transpired since Roe v Wade, "mission creep."  Why, because it has led to a massive upheaval of the traditional morals, in favor of a selfish culture of death where anything goes.  If it feels good, do it!  That is from the 80's, by the way, but encapsulates a mindset of doing one's will in defiance of God's will, and His plan for us...

Sixty-plus MILLION babies have been destroyed by these demons and their minions, sacrificing tiny babies on the alter of "choice".  Yes, choice, but not for the babies...

Pray for an end to this willful murder of the pre-born, and now the born, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, April 8, 2019

Is it anti-Semitism, or anti-Zionism?

Here's the question again: Is it anti-Semitism, or anti-Zionism?

Are they the same, or are they different?

I contend that the two are used interchangeably, whether implicitly, or explicitly, to describe that one is anti-Jew.  This could not be further from the truth, but the sad fact is, that today, once an accusation is made, then that automatically becomes a fact; the label sticks, and the person is guilty until proven innocent of the charge.

Everyone should despise anti-Semitism -- or any "anti" group that is different from ourselves, whether out of fear or ignorance, but, at the same time, we who follow Christ, must be able to discern those people who are anti-Christ and act accordingly.  In the Christian mindset, that means praying for our enemies as Christ commanded us to do; like it or not!

Are Jews our enemies?  Not anymore than Muslims are, or Druids, or Atheists, or blacks or Asians, or... fill in the blank...

When I was in Vietnam, and posted on a machine-gun bunker, I could care less what color or creed my bunker-mate was; we were brothers; that's all that mattered.  The time for proselytizing and possible conversion could come later if the circumstances permitted.  The idea at the moment was to get through the night, and fight for each other if the Communist enemy attacked with mortars and troops in an attempt to take us out.

Today, we're in another battle of sorts; a different type of war with the enemy attacking from within our shores trying to destroy what is left of the American dream from radical socialists, and from within the Church trying to destroy Her by bizarre clerics who think that it is okay for homosexuality to be part of the priesthood and all that comes with it.

I digress...

There are Jews today that are, themselves, anti-Zionist.  But how could this be?  It is so because they know that the Israel of the Bible is NOT the Israel of today.

For an excellent primer on the subject of Zionism, I strongly suggest the website: truetorahjews.org.

Pray for your enemies, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Beatitude: Suffering for Justice's Sake...

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Justice’s sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Just what is Justice anyway?

Justice is inherent in our human, natural right to be treated in a Christian way, and to treat others the same way.  This covers "a multitude of sins," so to speak.  And it fulfills the second Great Commandment to Love they Neighbor, the first is to Love God.  All the prophets and laws are based on these two Commandments, and all other admonishments will, in a sense, fall into place; they overlap, and compliment each other.

If one seeks Justice, then he will not commit a fraud or bear false witness against his neighbor; he will not murder him; he will not rob him; he will not covet, etc...

Those are the negatives, but the positives of seeking Justice, and the results of seeking Justice are the things of Heaven; our final goal!

And what of those that seek Justice and are persecuted for its sake?

The Beatitude tells us that those who suffer for Justice's sake are Blessed, and theirs is the kingdom of Heaven!

In today's society, especially in the United States, we have a great disparity when it comes to Justice.

We know that Lady Justice is blindfolded, but is She really?  It seems not.

How can we as a nation, claim equal Justice for all, when we deliberately deny that Justice to the most innocent and defenseless of our species: the pre-born, and now the born?  

All seem to clamor for "equal rights," but when the rich and powerful use their money and enormous influence to subvert and deny that Justice to the tiny girls and boys developing in the wombs of their mothers, can we really say that we are a nation of laws, laws based on the Natural Law as an extension of Divinely revealed law?   Again, it seems not.

It is an injustice to deny the Right to Life to the pre-born, and now the born.

We can philosophize and theorize all we want, but first and foremost is the necessity of Justice to allow life to those we have conceived, without this, all else is meaningless.

Blessed are they that suffer persecution for Justice's sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Real Collusion; the Real Obstruction of Justice; the Real War on Women!

So now we have the released Mueller report before the public, at least the summary, and it clearly exonerates Trump from the phony charges of collusion with the Russians, and obstruction of justice.

However, there is the real collusion; the real obstruction of justice, and, I might add, the real war on women!

It is easy to figure out just who I am talking about: the Clintons, the Obamas, and a good number of officials of the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the FBI and their plan to take down a duly elected, sitting president in what is called a "quiet. or soft coup".

In addition to those miscreants named above, there is even a more sinister, more deadly and a more diabolical collusion, obstruction of justice and the real war on women (as the Republicans are so labeled).

The finger points to that self-described "devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America.  The third most powerful office in the land, and third in line to the presidency if the president and vice-president are incapacitated by illness or taken out -- by force?!

I am talking about the refusal to bring to the floor of the House for a vote, the Republican bill that would absolutely outlaw INFANTICIDE of those poor babies that survive the horrific procedure that is referred to as abortion: killing them by either tearing them limb from limb, or by chemically dissolving their little bodies.

Mrs. Pelosi is a mother of five, and a grandmother, yet she is using her enormous power and influence -- and malice -- to derail any attempt to vote on a bill that would, at least, give that little boy or girl a chance at LIFE!

Nearly twenty times the bill has been brought up in the House, and twenty times Pelosi has killed that initiative!

This is nothing short of demonic; it is criminal; it is a horrendous miscarriage of justice; it is the real war on women, by massacring GIRLS as well as boys.

Where is Pelosi's heart?  Where is her soul?  Where is the Justice for the tiniest of God's gift to us as co-creators?

These are rhetorical questions because we know the answers.  But God will NOT be mocked!  He will have His Justice, and those who destroy the little babies will have a high -- very high -- price to pay at their Particular Judgment, that is, if they don't repent of their hate for their fellow brothers and sisters.

These "Catholics" are known to present themselves for Holy Communion at Mass, and yet without renouncing or repenting -- publicly -- of their sins against the Commandment not to murder.   St. Paul tells us that if someone eats the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks His blood unworthily, he or she is guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ!    

God have mercy on these thugs..

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Giving The Traitors Their Due..

I don't hold out much hope for our beloved country.

I'm not giving up, but I am facing reality.

At the same time, I have to give the devil his due: the traitors to our country have been persistent and bold; they have been in our faces with the complicit media on their side, not ours.

These traitors would have been shot during war time, as some were, but not in today's liberalized world where the death penalty for treason or outright first-degree murder is no longer an option in most states, or even in other countries.  There does exist a federal death penalty in certain cases, and there should be, but when was the last time you heard about someone being put to death for massive crimes that threaten the commonweal of society?

Sure, there is the occasional death sentence carried out in Texas or some western state (not California!  They don't even know what a death penalty is any longer; they have truly lost the "soul of the state"), but in general, you would be hard-pressed to see someone get their just desserts.

Here, in the U.S., we have politicians that run the country as if it were their own, little plaything; we have clerics who have abandoned their faith and embraced lust instead of continency and duty to their flocks; we have a media that are the enablers of the traitors who continually make excuses for these miscreants, and a president who seems to have very bad advisers on his team that make him weak and ineffective, hamstrung by "judges" that stifle his efforts to secure our borders and implement important programs that would benefit the nation.  The list is quite endless, I'm afraid.

In light of the traitors and their almost unending and enormous power, I see little hope of corralling these rascals and sending them off to prison where they belong...

What we are seeing here, is the lack of JUSTICE, at least in this life, but beware you traitors: God will not be mocked!  And your crimes against humanity (the killing of the pre-born, and now the born, among others) will be laid bare as you meet your Maker!

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

They Should ALL be Behind Bars -- For The Rest of Their Miserable Lives!!

The filth and stench of evil among the "Catholic" hierarchy is almost too much to bear, but bear it we must until the powers of the federal government comes down and comes down hard, and starts to dig into the corruption and abuse, not only covered up by the bishops, but also their complicity in the acts themselves, which has brought so much scandal, shame (and ruined lives) upon the spotless Bride of Christ.

These men who wear the Roman collar are no more Catholic than the mass murderer Stalin was, and we know that he killed upwards of 30-plus million of his own countrymen.  The miscreants that pass for bishops, and that includes cardinals as well, have killed many more than that, spiritual murder, that is.

Normally, I would be against the multi-tentacled, behemoth federal bureaucracy from interfering with just about anything, but in this case, they must investigate the almost total corruption, including misuse of monies of the faithful who contribute every Sunday, hoping against hope, that things will change for the better in the Church, ridding itself of the perversion of the homosexual mafia and their enablers.

These Satanists have had their way with holy Mother Church for far too long.   And the modernists scallywags have gotten away with nearly destroying the sublime liturgy of the ages; the liturgy that made Saints and Martyrs (the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church!).

There are some good and decent faithful servants of Christ and His Church, but those are few and far between.  And when they attempt to speak out, they are demonized, just the same as conservatives in the political movements in this country, and now, around the world.

Make no mistake, when these so-called priests, bishops and cardinals, perform the Mass, they are committing sacrilege upon sacrilege, in some cases using a consecrated Host for their devious and demonic black "mass".  This is fact, not my opinion...

The time has long past for this pope -- and where were the previous popes? -- to act to correct this travesty of moral turpitude perpetrated upon an innocent youth that has driven some to suicide, and many others to leave the Church.  Lord, where can we go, You have the words of eternal life... (St. Peter's question to our Lord, in St. John, Chap. Six).

It is time to send those responsible to prison for the rest of their miserable lives.  And perhaps they will repent before they meet their Maker -- the One they betrayed while on  earth!

Pray for our country, and pray for the return of justice!

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Havoc that Separation of Church and State has Wrought...

The following is an excerpt of an article written by Bro. Andre Marie... To see the entire article, visit Catholicism.org.  It is well-worth the read!!

Church and State. The concept of statecraft that gave us Christendom was the union of throne and altar. Since the time of Theodosius the Great (ruled: 379-395), one and the same act — sacramental Baptism — made one both a member of the true Church and a member of the body politic of the Empire. To be a member of the Church was coterminous with being the subject of a Christian monarch. It was expected that statecraft, public morals, professional standards (think guilds), and daily life would be carried out as Christians would carry them out. Without making exaggerated claims regarding the success this ideal achieved in every era, we can certainly state that the ideal as such was a given in the society, and that it was good.
The ideal was viciously attacked by Liberalism. In fact, as can be discerned from this excellent definition of Liberalism, the separation of Church and State is, historically and in the Catholic mind, integral to the error of Liberalism.
The Holy Roman Empire embodied this Christian notion of the Sacrum Imperium. The same ideal of a sacral society is embodied in the beautiful Catholic social thought of the Spanish Carlists, among many other movements.
The great divorce of Church from State, of God from politics, has given us evil politics. It can be no other way.
To the person who will object that God did not join Church and State, but that such was a medieval idea jettisoned by the modern Magisterium, let me recall that Vatican II’s Dignitatis humanae said of itself that “it leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ.”
My Comment: Take a look around and see for yourselves just what Havoc that Separation of Church and State has Wrought...
Ever since the 1963 decision of the Supreme Court basically outlawing prayer in public schools, the scandal that was caused has lasted to this day, only things are far worse in matters of faith and morals.
Here is an excerpt of that decision: Because of the prohibition of the First Amendment against the enactment by Congress of any law "respecting an establishment of religion," which is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, no state law or school board may require that passages from the Bible be read or that the Lord's Prayer be recited in the public schools of a State at the beginning of each school day - even if individual students may be excused from attending or participating in such exercises upon written request of their parents. 
My Comment: Notice in this part of the decision, only the first section of the sentence is referred to: "respecting an establishment of religion"...  Only later is the second part of the same sentence mentioned: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"...
Where in the United States of America has the Congress ever passed a law "respecting an establishment of religion"?  Or, where in the United States of America has a state passed a law "respecting an establishment of religion"?  
Neither Congress or state have passed any law "respecting an establishment of religion."  
But keep in mind the second section of the First Amendment: "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (of religion!). 
And yet, that is exactly what the Supreme Court has done: "... prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
Dare -- DARE! -- some poor kid in a public school decide that he/she wanted to say a grace or give a simple thanks before lunch or recess and see what happens.  Why is there such an antagonism against offering to God a simple recognition of the bounty of food and the goodness of God Almighty?
Your guess is as good as mine, but I have to say that Liberalism has infected the minds and hearts of many "judges" that sit on the various courts for life (we need term limits!!), and that Liberalism is diametrically opposed to recognizing that it is the Creator of us all that gives us the FREE WILL to shut Him out of our lives, or embrace Him in this life, serving and adoring, and to be happy with Him in the next...
As Brother points out, in the secular realm, politics has become evil... Take a quick look at the hatred and malice directed toward the most innocent and defenseless  of our species: the pre-born, and now the born, in the form of "laws" passed and court decisions!  
And many of the pols are "Catholic"?  
The consequences of this hatred has been shown since the 1973 SCOTUS decision of Roe v Wade: an estimate of over 60 million children have been sacrificed on the alter of "choice".  But it is not "just" abortion, but with the loss of the sanctity of life, comes other perversions such as rampant homosexuality and their "right" -- now enshrined in law -- to "marry".  I'm afraid there is another endless list here...
Only a true change of heart will bring those misguided and lost souls back to the fold, as the Prodigal Son returned to his jubilant and forgiving Father...
Pray for our country now more than ever!
Gene DeLalla


Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From lifesitenews.com and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...