Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The "RED PHONE" In The Oval Office...

 For those old enough to remember the 1962 Cuban missile crises, or at least read about it in school, the picture presented was dire to say the least.  There was a real possibility that the U.S. and the then Soviet Union were on the brink of a shooting nuclear war.  

The reason for that possibility was the discovery that the Soviet Union (it is now Russia, after the breakup into several states, independent of the old Soviet Union) had placed large and potent ballistic nuclear-tipped missiles just 90 miles from the southern tip of Florida, U.S.A.

When this came to light, there was some dramatic and very frank exchanges, no doubt, between President Kennedy, and the Soviet premier, Khrushchev, over the days of the crises, as well as fodder for the media and their take on the crises.  In reality, a "red phone" never existed, but has been portrayed in several movies as a direct link to the Russians in case of emergencies... There was established, however, a "hot-line" so communications between the two nations would be quicker and more effective than a system that would take minutes or hours, with such a delay causing the possibility of an escalation during certain scenarios...

As an aside, my brother was stationed on the aircraft carrier, the USS Constellation not far from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.  I remember my now-deceased mother was on pins and needles, and that is putting it mildly!

Our day-to-day existence was one of fear and dread, hoping and praying for a peaceful resolution to the stubbornness of the parties involved.  The idea was for dialogue, rather than hurling nuclear missiles at each other that would not only involve the U.S. and the Soviet Union, but also the rest of the world powers, and, most likely, the end of mankind. 

The confrontation between the two superpowers lasted for nearly two nail-biting weeks...

The situation was, thanks be to God, resolved, and the missiles were removed from Cuban soil and taken back to the Soviet Union.  As for the U.S., it was agreed to remove certain missiles from Turkish soil, aimed, no doubt, at the Soviets...

I bring up the memory of the Cuban missile crises to illustrate the absolute need for clear-headedness on the part of our president in crucial times or crises.  I cannot even imagine an incoherent, nearly senile candidate such as Biden occupying the Oval Office, and being in the middle of a situation that could alter the fate of humankind by making unsound decisions for our country, and for the entire world for that matter.  His performance in the first debate with President Trump was nothing short of horrifying!   At times, he could hardly put together one sentence after another, and repeated lies that long ago had been completely debunked regarding our president.  His dishonesty and disdain for the sanctity of life is public record.  He must be soundly defeated come the November election, if not, our nation will undergo an horrendous alchemy that will morph into a Marxist/Socialist "utopia" of enslavement and death.  

These are, indeed, the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, September 28, 2020

Treason! Treason! And More TREASON!

 To label an American citizen a traitor to his or her country, is a serious charge.  Yet if there was ever any doubt about treason, just take a look at those politicians and their handlers, and figure out for yourself -- by their own words and actions -- their heinous betrayal.

I will name just a few of these traitors: the current candidates running for the presidency of the U.S.; Biden/Harris; Biden's son, Hunter; Pelosi; Schumer; former president Obama -- one of the most corrupt and un-Christian characters to ever hold the highest office in the land.  There are many more on the left, but the Democrats don't have a monopoly on throwing America under the bus.  Many Republicans are just as guilty, perhaps even more so, by inaction, rather than by overt actions...

Treason does not only apply to politicians, it also applies to other entities, including some of the most powerful and influential corporations in the world, affecting the entire American fabric of society.  But the betrayal of the clergy is, perhaps, the most damning of all types of treason.

How does the treason of the clergy have such a high impact on the moral standing of a nation?

It is said, that as the church goes, so goes society...

In the runup to the November 2020 presidential election, we see the true colors of the so-called shepherds of what passes for the Catholic Church in this country.  

My readers know that I have written many times about the spiritual sloth and outright corruption of the bishops in the U.S.  My readers may also think that I'm rashly judging their public actions; I am not.  Their public actions or inactions are a matter of record, and it is our right and duty, to seek a redress of grievances in the spiritual realm as it is in the secular realm.  To date, their inactions on issues of life and death, do a grave disservice to their flocks, leading to confusion and scandal -- and the loss of souls!

Let's face it: there is nothing -- NOTHING! -- more important to any human creature than to get to Heaven when they leave this earth!   But when priests and bishops desert their sheep when the cry of the approaching wolf is heard, they are to be held responsible for the scattering of the flock and its destruction.   

The majority of the current group of bishops in our country have been compromised to the nth degree by their association and corroboration with the extreme leftist political party, the Democrats, while throwing an occasional crumb that may or may not resemble things Catholic. 

This, I'm afraid, is nothing new.  In fact, it was Pope St. Pius X that warned about the infiltration of the modernists over 100 years ago!  If he saw their treachery then, multiply that a thousand-fold, and we see the mess we have today, especially when it comes to the sanctity of life.  If there is no life, the fight for rights of the human person in the form of "social justice," "immigration," "climate change," and the like is meaningless; a sham...

In short, the American new-order Catholic population has been indoctrinated with novelty; replacing the sublime worship due Our Lord.  It is now estimated that over 70 percent of "Catholics" no longer believe -- if they ever did -- in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist!  Pope John Paul II referred to a great apostacy in the church.  I can think of no greater spiritual crime or apostacy than Catholics thinking that all they are receiving in holy communion is a wafer; a piece of bread, that is, if they still go to church at all...

Is it any wonder why our country is in such a pathetic state of affairs?   We now live in a near-police state because of a phony "pandemic"; don't wear an ineffective face-mask and you just might get arrested.  America once was the "land of the free, and the home of the brave." 

Is it still??   To be frank, I no longer recognize my beloved country; a country that I fought for many years ago, and continue to fight for, in my own way, to this very day.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla   



Friday, September 25, 2020

Our Republic Is In Dire Jeopardy

 This is not the time to sit on your couch and watch TV, or YouTube...

If we don't get off our duffs and vote, we will get what we deserve.  And what we will get will be a horror show much worse than any Hollywood script could possibly write.

We are talking about the end of the Republic, and it will be replaced with the scourge of Socialism or outright Communism, heralded by the likes of Biden and Harris. 

Let's face it, they hate their country.

Think about it: two "Americans" running for the highest office in the nation, and they hate their country?

How can this be, you ask?

The answer is almost too simple: they have sold their immortal souls for power and position on this earth, and to hell with the consequences they will face in the next.

We have witnessed the diabolical results of the influence of the evil one, culminating with the 1973 supreme court decision that "legalized" the killing of the pre-born.  With the loss of the sanctity of life, the floodgates of the law of the jungle was let loose -- in direct contradiction -- to the Natural Law and divinely revealed law of God almighty.  

One of the primary reasons that these transgressions against the supernatural life of grace in the soul is the selling out of the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church these days.  Many, if not most, of those shepherds charged with guiding their flocks to the heavenly beatitude, are in league with those anti-life, Marxist Democrats hell-bent on transforming our country into another failed Socialist experiment, with the intent on destroying our traditions -- such as our nuclear families, made up of a husband and wife, read: man and a woman, as potential fathers and mothers.

What a horrible price these traitors to Christ will pay at their Particular Judgment, unless they repent and make amends before they leave this earth.  But know this: if a person lives a life of sin and scandal, in most instances, that is the way they will die -- in their sins.  These phony shepherds have caused an incalculable loss of souls through scandal as well as the destruction of innocents by homosexual predator "priests," "bishops," and "cardinals" -- and popes?   

Here is my message to those who claim to be Catholic: you cannot vote for the baby killers, Biden/Harris.  If you do, you are automatically ex-communicated from the church.  This is not my opinion, but authentic church teaching, as a violation of the Fifth Commandment: thou shall not kill (murder the pre-born!).  If that fact doesn't convince you to vote for President Trump over the "Catholic" Biden, then you have lost all God-given common sense, as well as betraying Jesus Christ -- your Savior! 

Our Republic Is In Dire Jeopardy; get off your duffs and vote for Mr. Trump or we will all face the consequences of our moral and spiritual sloth...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Chair Of St. Peter...


(St. Matthew 26; 69-75 King James version.)

Peter Denies Jesus, and Weeps Bitterly

69 Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee.”

70 But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you are saying.”

71 And when he had gone out to the gateway, another girl saw him and said to those who were there, “This fellow also was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

72 But again he denied with an oath, “I do not know the Man!”

73 And a little later those who stood by came up and said to Peter, “Surely you also are one of them, for your speech betrays you.”

74 Then he began to [a]curse and [b]swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!”

Immediately a rooster crowed. 75 And Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” So he went out and wept bitterly.

The following is from

"Question: "Why did Jesus ask Peter 'Do you love me?' three times?"
Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” as recorded in John 21:15–17. This occurred when Jesus was having breakfast with His disciples soon after His resurrection. Jesus used this opportunity to encourage and exhort Peter about his upcoming responsibilities and even to prophesy the manner in which Peter will die. By asking Peter, “Do you love me?” three times, Jesus was emphasizing the importance of Peter’s love and unswerving obedience to his Lord as necessary for his future ministry.

"Jesus begins by questioning Peter about His love for Him, and each time Peter answers in the affirmative, Jesus follows up with the command for Peter to feed His sheep. His meaning is that, if Peter truly loves his Master, he is to shepherd and care for those who belong to Christ. His words reveal Peter’s role as the leader of the new Church, the Body of Christ there in Jerusalem that will be responsible for spreading the gospel after Jesus’ ascension into heaven."

Pope Francis has dropped the title of "Vicar of Christ"!

If that is the case, then whom is he the vicar of??

This act is disturbing at the very least, and one has to wonder -- after hearing and reading Francis' many exhortations on things weird that have nothing to do with the Catholic faith or the mission of the Catholic Church: the salvation of souls -- are we dealing with someone lacking the Catholic faith, period?

The influence of Marxism on Pope Francis and his appointing anti-life, pro-homosexual deviants to the hierarchy, especially here in the U.S., as well as in powerful positions in the Vatican itself, is an indication that the man sitting in the Chair of St. Peter is completely antithetical to the teachings of Christ and His holy church of the last 2,000 years!

In an understatement -- and simply stated: we have a bad pope.

So, when it comes time to exercise the virtue of obedience to the pope, we have to use our knowledge of the Catholic faith and God-given common sense to submit our conscience to his dictates, or not.

In questions of faith and morals, if Francis follows what the church has always and everywhere taught and believed; adhering to the authentic Magisterium, then we must obey.  But if he goes off the beaten path and demands that we submit to the "god" of climate change or "social justice," yet fails to condemn those killers roaming Main Street, U.S.A., knowing that they are supported by the hard Left in this country (the Democratic party), then we have a right -- a duty to disobey the man.  

And that's another point: Francis is a man, not a god.  If he were to say that the far side of the moon is made of blue cheese and demand that I believe him, but common sense tells me that's not true, then I would not submit to his ridiculous nonsense...

The pope is to be the guardian and protector of the Deposit of Faith, not an innovator, as Francis seems very much to be.  This is not only a disgrace, but also a massive scandal, not only to Catholics worldwide, but also to those who might have considered converting to the Catholic faith, but have now decided (rightly, in their minds?) not to.

Our Lord has told us that the gates of hell will not prevail against His -- TRUE -- church.  That is a promise that we can take to the bank...

Pope Benedict where are you??  We need you desperately!!!  

Pray for perseverance as well as for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, September 21, 2020

The All-Powerful Supreme Court...

 It's just a matter of time when the next fiasco of the judiciary committee begins the interrogation of President Trump's next nominee to replace the deceased, extreme anti-life, pro-homosexual female, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.   

There are several individuals that are in the running for the nomination, including at least two women.  One, I know, is a Catholic, pro-life mom of seven children, five biological, and two adopted: Amy Barrett.  

I remember that when she was up for another judicial position, she was questioned by the ultra-leftist Sen. Feinstein... 

In an incredible display of anti-Catholic bigotry, Feinstein questioned Mrs. Barrett about her Catholic faith, openly showing her disdain for the true religion, and how that might affect her potential rulings.  Such questions are, in fact, un-constitutional, as there is to be no litmus test for public office.  Unfortunately, and to my personal consternation, Barrett let her get away with it!!  Instead of getting right smack in Feinstein's face, and tell her that such statements and questions are un-constitutional and a violation of her rights, she remained quiet.  At that moment, I shook my head in disgust at the demure, wimpy, unwillingness to stand up for herself.  She had a chance to at least gain my moral support, but failed miserably.  

If Mr. Trump does, in fact, nominate her, will she show another side, stand up for herself and her faith -- and the Constitution?   I wonder...

If she is nominated and wins the approval of the Senate, will she defend to the death, the right of pre-born babies to breathe air, regardless of the "settled law" of Roe v Wade?  Or, will she capitulate and reduce to a meaningless formula, what the Fifth Commandment clearly states: Thou Shalt Not Kill? 

This brings to mind, that no matter who is appointed to the supreme court, many hoping that person, might, just might, be the one who will tip the scales of justice in favor of good over evil.  We cannot, however, depend on that common-sense reasoning as we have seen far too many "conservative" pro-life justices flip to the other side and join the liberals at the cost of the innocents as well as destroying our basic rights guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution...

As it stands right now, there will be nine justices on the court, even though there is a tumult from the leftists in the House and Senate, to "pack the court," as President Roosevelt fought to do in order to have his New Deal approved to reverse the Great Depression (admittedly planned and caused by the Federal Reserve!).

Whether or not that happens, the point is that those justices are appointed for life; they are un-elected, yet wield enormous power over our lives, negating, in many cases, the will of the people of the various states.  (I know that such "will of the people" can sometimes be the antithesis of what is right; that is the danger of a Democracy, especially a Godless Democracy.)   

So, if we put all our hopes and dreams on the next appointee to the supreme court to solve all our problems, and restore love of God, and our neighbor in our hearts and minds, we will surely be disappointed.  That doesn't mean that we have to despair; just the opposite is true.  Our hopes and dreams can only be fulfilled by submitting to Our Lord and His holy church, not to the will of men...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Dead At 87...

 The world -- at least here in the United States -- is mourning the death of Justice Ginsburg at 87 years of age...

Of course, no one wishes ill on the immortal soul of this woman.  And no one would want her to be saved more than I. 

But her actions over the many years on the supreme court, tell a horrible story of supporting, to the extreme, the "legalization" of the killing of the pre-born up to and including what is termed; partial birth abortion.  Here was her analysis in her own words and her twisted reasoning: (regarding the state of Nebraska.) “A state regulation that ‘has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus’ [?] violates the Constitution.”

Really?  A "nonviable fetus"?   Violates the Constitution?  Notice how those immersed in the culture of death attempt to nuance to death, the humanness, if you will, of that baby by referring to her as a "fetus" and not a human developing in the womb of her mother?

Keep in mind that Ginsburg was also a radical supporter of the sham -- and shame -- of same-sex "marriage." 

So far, we have Ginsburg promoting two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

By the way, just who are those praising her tenure on the supreme court?  Are they only liberal Democrats (I know that's redundant!), or are there those of the opposite ideological persuasions, such as "conservative," "pro-life" Republicans?   Yes, both parties just couldn't wait to jump on the "mourning bandwagon," because anything less, would mean political suicide to anyone that would dare to tell the truth about the diabolical actions of Ginsburg over the last 27 years on the supreme court!

Even President Trump felt the need -- political necessity? -- of praising Ginsburg up one side and down the other.


Know, that when we die, we will face Our Lord, Jesus Christ at our Particular Judgment; we will be held accountable for our actions, both good and evil. 

Christ, in the Bible, and through the infallible teaching of the authentic Magisterium, tells us that our works will follow us.  (Sorry, Protestants, but if you really believe in the Bible, and you claim to live by that very same Bible, then you have to admit that we are known by our fruits -- our works.  See St. James and many other passages, including those of St. Paul.)

As for the deceased justice Ginsburg, I can only hope that she is shown the mercy that she denied to the most defenseless and innocent of our species -- pre-born babies... 

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, September 18, 2020


 Love and marriage: you can't have one without the other!  These words are from a popular song from days gone by...

Think about it... With actions, there are reactions.  With rights, there are responsibilities.  Even with the common cold, there is a cause. 

On a much more serious note, we see the craziness and anarchy on the streets of many of America's largest cities, with burning and looting practically on a daily basis, without much pushback -- read: non-enforcement of the rule of law -- from the police, as well as lack of action on the part of mayors, and governors elected by their constituents to protect the commonweal...   

How can this be?    

It seems that the actions are not causing the reactions necessary to combat the insurrectionists and restore law and order to the streets, causing much anguish and fear among those citizens trying to live out their lives in peace and tranquility.   

The conclusion is that those responsible for the chaos and mayhem are not being held accountable for their actions.  

But why?

Apparently, there is a weakness, at the very least, and possibly something much more sinister working behind the scenes that encourages these Marxists-mobsters in their attempt to bring down what is left of the great American experiment.

That weakness -- among those elected officials -- leads me to believe that there is a grave deficiency; a breakdown somewhere in the mental process; a lack of God-given common sense, or worse, the failure to distinguish right from wrong.   

This did not happen overnight, but took at least several decades to manifest itself into what we see happening today.  

This is more than a clashing of ideologies, or the differences between the Democrats and Republicans, it is a reflection of a drought of supernatural grace in the souls, not only of those thugs roaming the streets, but also in the souls of those shepherds responsible for the eternal destiny of their flocks...

So, why have I brought in the Catholic Church and the hierarchy into this missive?  Because, it is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  This is a fact of spiritual life that cannot be ignored.  Since the mid-1960s, and the end of the Second Vatican Council, the bishops (cardinals and popes) accepted a new "religion" to reflect the spirit of the age, further weakening their responsibilities as successors of the Apostles.

Again, as the church goes, so goes society, and we saw what occurred in the 60's and 70's; a revolution, not only in the church, but also in society in the form of the near destruction of faith and morals among the American populace.  

After so many years of imbibing the putrid rot of numerous forms of immorality, culminating in the 1973 Roe v Wade disastrous decision to make the killing of the pre-born "legal," is it any wonder that the secular schools -- and then those schools claiming to be Catholic, teaching bizarre anti-Christ and anti-American drivel -- are turning out fully indoctrinated young adults, who, it must be said, will be the future leaders of the country?

This horrid situation cannot stand!  What is happening in the streets of America cannot stand!  

In the authentic Catholic Church, there is a principle of "double effect," in the case of voting for President Trump hoping to get him re-elected, as opposed to the horror and greater tyranny of a Biden/Harris win.  We acknowledge the imperfections of Mr. Trump, yet we hope and pray for better outcomes, especially in the area of stronger pro-life legislation, etc.

This election is not just about voting for the crazed, baby killing Democrats, or the more pro-life Republicans, it is about choosing between freedom and slavery of mind and soul...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Revisiting Automatic Ex-Communication (For Catholics Who Support Abortion Or Vote For Those Who Do)...

 As the 2020 November presidential election quickly approaches, it is incumbent upon Catholics to realize the real dread of committing a mortal sin by procuring or supporting abortion, or voting for those who do.

Yet there seems to be a cavalier attitude about sin in general, as opposed to days gone by when just the thought of dying with mortal sin on one's soul would almost scare the literal hell out of a person!  

This attitude is not an attitude that has recently reared its ugly face, on the contrary, it is an attitude that has been developing over at least the last few decades since the devastating Second Vatican Council.  The progressives of that council ran wild with their new vision of what the church should be, namely, bringing the church up to date with the spirit of the age.

As an aside, the idea of bringing the church up to date to accommodate the spirit of the age is nothing new.  In fact, St. Anthony of the Desert made similar remarks back in the Fourth Century!  It seems that history is certainly repeating itself here and not for the better...

We can see what that council produced: rotten fruits.  And those rotten fruits continue to scandalize the present Catholic population to the point that 50+ percent voted for the demonic Barack Obama, and sent him back to the White House for a second term, again receiving a majority of the "Catholic" vote!  

And now, there are prominent "Catholics" that are using their power and position to elect the feeble-minded Joseph (Joe) Biden, along with another radical leftist baby killer, Kamala Harris.  Apparently, there is no fear of the wrath of God almighty when it comes to facing their Particular Judgment when they will be held accountable for their actions or inactions when they take their last breath of air on this earth...

We know that the taking of innocent lives is one of the heinous sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  If it was "only" one tiny baby that was snuffed out for the "convenience" of the "mother" and "father," that would be diabolical enough, but to date, it has been calculated that nearly 61,000,000 American girls and boys have been subjected to the barbarity of abortion, being torn apart or chemically dissolved, or had their precious bodies dissected and preserved for sale to the highest bidder!

We talk about those horrific numbers, but the enormity of this ongoing slaughter is almost beyond comprehension.  The blood of these innocents will be avenged by Our Lord, and those who sentenced those tiny lives to death.  

You and I have a choice in this presidential election: either we vote for the most pro-life president this nation has ever had to hold the office, or we vote for the continuing destruction of innocent pre-born babies by voting for the likes of Biden and Harris... Sure, we are free to vote the way we want and for who we want, without anyone telling us who to cast our vote for, but Catholics must adhere to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed in the Magisterium of the authentic Catholic Church to guide us.  

It bears repeating: any Catholic that procures or helps to procure an abortion or votes for those who support legislation that enables the continuing genocide of the blessing of the new life given to us by God almighty, is automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, thus placing himself outside of the Mystical Body of Christ forever, if that person does not repent and amend his life before he dies...

Hell is real...

Pray for discernment...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Constitution? We Don't Need No Stinking Constitution!

Are you feeling confined; unable to go where you want to go; do what you want to do -- shop, go to church, meet with your friends and family and have picnics and barbecues; go fishing, or go to the beach, but are restricted because of the current strain of the flu bug, according to the medical "authorities"?   

Do you have to wear a face-mask wherever you go?   Have to maintain "social distancing," or stand on  some stupid mark on the floor so as to not encroach on another person's "safe space" standing in front of you at the checkout counter?

Can't go into the bank lobby as you normally would have done in the not too distant past, but must go through the drive-through to conduct your business?

Are the doors of your church still shut and locked, that is, if you live in the mostly Democratically controlled states, headed by tyrannical ELECTED officials?

Do you submit to un-constitutional dictates that have no force of law?

If so, stop doing it!  


Do you realize that many of your constitutional rights are being violated every day of the week?

If you and I don't exercise our rights, we will surely lose those rights...

Ben Franklin, one of our Founding Fathers, put it quite succinctly: if you sacrifice your liberties for "security," you deserve neither.  

I urge my readers to look up and print out the following: Title 18, USC, section 242: under color of law.   This is immensely important because it points out that un-constitutional orders, mandates, or dictates whether from mayors, governors, or even the president, violate your constitutional rights under Title 18, USC (U.S. Code), and those who violate Title 18 are subject to fines and prosecution!   

Have you done any research regarding the faux "pandemic"?   Have you read the recently released statistics from the CDC's own website drastically revising downward, the number of deaths attributed solely to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)?   I check their website almost daily.  If you look at the column that lists only deaths from COVID, you will see there is a footnote.  Scroll down to read that footnote: deaths confirmed or presumed from COVID! 

Do you realize what that means???

The numbers are, and have always been, manipulated to include deaths from many causes but lumped into the COVID column.  So, if someone died from heart disease or drank himself to death, he died from the virus!  If someone died from a gunshot wound or car accident, he is listed as dying from COVID.  I'm not making this up; it has been documented and admitted to by health officials themselves.  

Read the infamous Dr. Birx... she used the words assumed and presumed when it came to deaths from COVID!   These people have perpetrated one of the most egregious and costly hoaxes on the American people in the history of our country!

Know this... this "pandemic" was planned by the haters of the Republic, haters of the Natural Law, and consequently, haters of God's divinely revealed law.  Those perpetrators are godless globalists intent on destroying, not only our country, but also our families through population control using the un-natural --and deadly -- methods of contraception, abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization (through vaccines?).

Pray for what is surely coming down the road, sooner rather than later...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla



Monday, September 14, 2020

Quiz: Who Said This...

 "Let priests take care not to accept from the liberal any ideas which, under the mask of good, pretend to reconcile justice with iniquity.  Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep's clothing.  The priest must unveil to the people their perfidious plot, their iniquitous design.  You will be called Papist, clerical, retrograde, intolerant, but pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked.  Have courage; you must never yield, nor is there any need to yield.  You must go into the attack whole-heartedly, not in secret but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open, in the view of all."   

The above quote was not expressed a couple of days or weeks ago, hardly...

It was not expressed by some "rogue" priest warning his flock about the lunatic leftist who claim to be Catholic, but in reality are radical Marxists intend on destroying the last barrier to their plot to take over the United States of America, and turn it into some deadly, Godless socialist utopia.  

We know that that last barrier is the authentic Catholic Church, not what passes for the church that is reported on an almost daily basis, uncovering the homosexual attacks on youth that has been going on for decades in the new-order "Catholic" Church; a church that has no prescription to counter the rot in the hierarchy that has become the gangrene that must be cut off in order to save what is left of the body, and stave-off its death. 

The recent plot to keep a holy priest from explaining the reality of hell to his spiritual children, has been manifest for all to see.  It seems that telling the truth of what Christ taught -- through His church -- is no longer acceptable in this era of political correctness and intolerance of anyone who dares to preach from the housetops, what is necessary to reach heaven and avoid the hell-fires that last for all eternity.

And no, the above quote cannot be attributed to Fr. James Altman who was recently censored by his local ordinary, bishop William Callahan, for telling his congregation that one cannot be a professed Catholic, and at the same time, vote Democratic.  If they do vote for Biden/Harris, or anyone that supports abortion or legislation that enables taxpayer monies to be diverted to Murder, Inc., a.k.a., "planned parenthood," they put their immortal souls in dire jeopardy.

The answer to the "quiz" question: Who Said This?  First, let me say that the quote was not said a few days or a couple of weeks ago, but over 100 years ago by Pope Saint Pius X, who reigned from 1903, to 1914!!  

Pope Saint Pius X, and Fr. James Altman were, and are warning, faithful Catholics that there were and are traitors to the authentic Catholic Church, and, hence, traitors to Christ, as the Church is His Mystical Body.  

Let me repeat what the sainted Pope said regarding the perilous times we live in: "You must go into the attack whole-heartedly, not in secret but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open, in the view of all."

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Persecution Of Fr. James Altman; His "Crime"? His Love Of Truth -- And Of Souls...

Truth is a very rare commodity these days, especially in the Catholic Church.  

When Truth Himself was asked by Pilate: "Truth?  What is truth?"

Pilate was unable to recognize the Author and creator of Truth, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Yet Pilate was standing only inches from Our Lord's bruised and scourged precious Body...

Is it any wonder why truth is almost unrecognizable today?

Truth has been watered-down; compromised; nuanced to such a degree, that it is no longer truth, and only serves the antithesis of truth, the father of lies, Satan.

Since the diabolical Second Vatican Council, the idea of objective truth was sucked out the window of the Church, you know, that infamous window that was supposed to let in fresh air into the stale, archaic church of 2,000 years founded by Christ and watered with the blood of the martyrs.

The Church had to be brought up and embrace the "spirit of the age," but in so doing, it morphed into something un-Godly; un-Christian, with infiltrators recruited by Communist agents to become "priests";  climb up the ecclesiastical ladder, reaching the rank of bishop, cardinal -- and pope?

The Church was shaken to its core with the advent of a new "mass," concocted by a demonic inspired Archbishop by the name of Bugnini, right under the nose of the weak, Pope Paul VI...

The near total destruction of the liturgy -- the law of praying is the law of believing -- has led to an almost complete disbelief in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy eucharist!  This disaster is a massive win for the devil and his minions...

Today, true Catholics flock to the Traditional Latin Mass and the associated communities where there is a sense of the sublime with praise and real worship of God almighty, with real men calling down the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, giving to those faithful laity under his charge, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist -- the Bread of Life...

Those faithful priests who preach the uncompromised truth of the Gospel, apparently have much to worry about, especially if they call out those "Catholics" who procure or support the slaughter of the pre-born.  This virtuous act -- a spiritual work of mercy -- of admonishing the sinner, is no longer considered "politically correct," and enrages the hard leftist moles, calling down the wrath of the local bishop demanding the interdiction and silencing of such good priests...

Such is the case with the zealous preacher of truth, Fr. James Altman in the state of Wisconsin...  He gives to his spiritual family the uncompromised, unadulterated truth that is needed to guide his flock to the heavenly beatitude.  His homilies hit the spiritual nail on the head, much to the chagrin of those who consider themselves progressives; those who do not know, or do not want to know God, their Master.  As Father Altman repeats time and time again: you cannot love something or someone you do not know!   Many who claim to be Catholic, do not want to know or hear the truth, and, in essence, do not want to really know Jesus Christ, their Lord...

The local bishop, William Callahan, may impose canonical disciplinary action against this good priest...  His "crime"?  Fr. Altman's love of truth -- and of souls...  A "crime" that led to much shedding of the blood of the martyrs, but that very blood watered the seed that eventually flowered into the  Church of Christ.

I ask all of good will to pray for Fr. James Altman for strength that he will assuredly need in the coming days and weeks...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for Fr. Altman...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, September 10, 2020

You Are Ex-Communicated If You Are A Catholic And You Vote For...

Anyone who claims to be a Catholic, and votes for a politician -- specifically the Biden/Harris ticket in the upcoming 2020 November presidential election, that Catholic is automatically ex-communicated from the authentic Catholic Church founded by Christ, Our Lord!

There is absolutely no "wiggle room" here.  

If a Catholic votes for those who procure an abortion, or assists in procuring an abortion, or supports politicians that support abortion, or legislation that fosters the killing of the pre-born, you are automatically ex-communicated from the authentic Catholic Church!

I have purposely repeated myself here, because it seems there is a cavalier attitude among Catholics who vote Democratic thinking that their vote is between two different ideologies: that of the Democrats and Republicans. 

It is not.

For a Catholic to vote for a baby-killing Democrat and claim that he or she supports a "woman's right to choose," is only kidding himself into believing that they are doing God's will by voting their conscience.  It is much more than "voting their conscience," it is voting in favor of one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder -- of the pre-born baby developing in her "mother's" womb...

What I have written, is not my opinion, it is Church teaching, period.

The Catholic who votes for those who are pro-abortion is either blissfully ignorant, or knows exactly what they are doing, and cares little for the fact that supporting abortion is a mortal sin.  That mortal sin, un-confessed, and without a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again, is enough to send a soul to hell for all eternity.  Again, this is not my opinion but Church teaching.  

A liberal Catholic may claim that I am being hypocritical by condemning abortion as mortally sinful, but supports the death penalty.   This claim is false, and it shows the lack of knowledge of what the Church really teaches, and the difference between that teaching and opinion.

As a recent example, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Pope Francis, has condemned the use of the death penalty by state authorities.  However, his condemnation does not square with what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed that the state can impose the death penalty in certain situations in order to protect the commonweal, and to provide one last opportunity for the criminal to repent and convert before the penalty for his crimes is imposed.  

Many people -- including far too many Catholics -- fail to realize that the pope is the guardian; the custodian of the Deposit of Faith, not an innovator.  He has no authority to change Church teaching, therefore, his repudiation of the use of the death penalty is not binding on the consciences of faithful Catholics.  

I conclude with this admonition to those Catholics who intend to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket in the November election: you will separate yourself from holy Mother Church and place your immortal soul in dire jeopardy through the act of automatic ex-communication.  If that sin of willful murder is not confessed, and you die, you will spend all eternity in the fires of hell...

"Judge not lest ye be judged?"  In this case, a public sinner can and must be judged in order to admonish him and bring him back to the bosom of THE Catholic Church established for the salvation of souls...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Government That Cried Wolf...

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace have been hoodwinked into thinking that the Wuhan coronavirus -- also known as COVID-19 -- is the most deadly of all viruses that have ever infected mankind since the beginning of time, or at least since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden?

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace have been hoodwinked into thinking that being locked-down, and small businesses closed, church doors slammed shut and locked, would somehow slow down or stop another strain of the flu bug?

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace couldn't put two and two together and come up with the correct answer of four, yet believed the "new math" total was five?   This "new math" convinced gullible Americans that the Walmarts, drug stores, gas stations, and liquor stores could stay open, while the only source of income for many Americans was systematically destroyed by a false narrative forcing the closing of most small businesses.  In addition, the only source of spiritual nourishment was not only restricted, but also completely stolen from the faithful by preventing the grace-giving sacraments from being administered because of weak-kneed bishops closing church doors for months on end by capitulating to the overreaching secular powers and their tyrannical, un-constitutional mandates.

Where was the so-called "separation of church and state" so often used against the church by the secular humanist atheists, that the bishops dared not to mention?

The false "pandemic" has now been completely exposed as a fake narrative used to deceive and control a once-free American society.  Even the "much-respected" government agency that wields so much influence -- the CDC -- has finally admitted that the overwhelming majority of so-called COVID-19 deaths was only a contributing factor when combined with other underlying health issues that mostly elderly suffered with.  But this new revelation was nothing new to me, as I have stated many times previously, the CDC has a footnote under the heading of deaths due to COVID, that states: "deaths with confirmed or presumed from COVID."  

Does the word "presumed" need to be defined here?   Do you see the enormous room for manipulation of the numbers to keep the fear-mongering and control in place for who knows how long against the American people?

By the way, there is no vaccine that can stop or eliminate a virus, if there was, the common cold virus would have disappeared over a hundred and fifty years ago!

The government has cried wolf -- too many times, and you would think that John Q. Public would have caught on, but it seems that the mask-wearing population is too afraid of their own shadows to tell the powers that be that they are on to the agenda of the far Left, and so, submit to the useless, filthy face covering that can do nothing to filter out the less than one micron coronavirus... 

It is time for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, September 7, 2020

Are They Obsessed -- Or Possessed?

Evil is having a field day in many of our major cities.   But it doesn't end there...

Evil cannot stand alone; it must have enablers to help it along.

We are finally seeing those enablers up close and personal, and those responsible for the continuing mayhem we see and hear about on a daily basis sweeping our nation; they are very ones that were elected to public office by a misguided and indoctrinated John and Mary Q. Public...

As in the 1789 French Revolution, some of the original fomenters of that devilish and blood-drenched revolution became a little too conservative for the new "hip" radicals hell-bent on destroying any vestige of law and order -- and tradition.   Some of those very "founders" ended up losing their heads to the juggernaut of the guillotine, working nonstop twenty-four-hours-a-day, slaughtering mostly Catholic monarchs as well as religious and faithful laity...

Those insurrectionists and Marxist "black lives matter" rioters roaming Main Street, U.S.A., are the useful idiots supported by the domestic and foreign entities attempting to implement a new-world-order in America, regardless of the cost to our rights and freedoms that so many veterans fought and died for in the many wars since 1776...

As law-abiding and loyal Americans, we cannot let that stand!  It is up to us to save our country, just as it is up to the faithful laity in the authentic Catholic Church to save the Mystical Body of Christ, because we are certainly not getting any help from a progressive hierarchy siding mostly with the filthy, treasonous Democrats and their minions tearing our nation apart.

When you listen and watch some of these miscreants burning and looting, it is apparent to me that they are not just obsessed with their agenda, but rather possessed by the demon to carry out the heinous actions that destroys and murders the innocent.

So much for social justice, or fighting to stop police brutality.  In most instances, these anarchists betray themselves right on TV, but they don't care because they think that Mr. Trump will be removed from office come this November...  How wrong they are!  And how wrong they are thinking that the "silent majority" will let them destroy our republic without a fight.

As God-fearing, loyal Americans, it will be up to us to turn the tide of this madness and return to Christ -- individually, and as a nation.  Remember, we are not alone; He is ultimately in control... If we persevere to the end of the race, we will receive the crown of victory (St. Paul).

We must pray for our enemies as Christ demanded, but we must also protect and defend ourselves and our nation from the ravages of the ungodly and their attempt to destroy what He has blessed us with: the United States of America, founded by those brave men who gambled all for a future free from the constraints of despotism and enslavement...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...