Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The "RED PHONE" In The Oval Office...

 For those old enough to remember the 1962 Cuban missile crises, or at least read about it in school, the picture presented was dire to say the least.  There was a real possibility that the U.S. and the then Soviet Union were on the brink of a shooting nuclear war.  

The reason for that possibility was the discovery that the Soviet Union (it is now Russia, after the breakup into several states, independent of the old Soviet Union) had placed large and potent ballistic nuclear-tipped missiles just 90 miles from the southern tip of Florida, U.S.A.

When this came to light, there was some dramatic and very frank exchanges, no doubt, between President Kennedy, and the Soviet premier, Khrushchev, over the days of the crises, as well as fodder for the media and their take on the crises.  In reality, a "red phone" never existed, but has been portrayed in several movies as a direct link to the Russians in case of emergencies... There was established, however, a "hot-line" so communications between the two nations would be quicker and more effective than a system that would take minutes or hours, with such a delay causing the possibility of an escalation during certain scenarios...

As an aside, my brother was stationed on the aircraft carrier, the USS Constellation not far from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.  I remember my now-deceased mother was on pins and needles, and that is putting it mildly!

Our day-to-day existence was one of fear and dread, hoping and praying for a peaceful resolution to the stubbornness of the parties involved.  The idea was for dialogue, rather than hurling nuclear missiles at each other that would not only involve the U.S. and the Soviet Union, but also the rest of the world powers, and, most likely, the end of mankind. 

The confrontation between the two superpowers lasted for nearly two nail-biting weeks...

The situation was, thanks be to God, resolved, and the missiles were removed from Cuban soil and taken back to the Soviet Union.  As for the U.S., it was agreed to remove certain missiles from Turkish soil, aimed, no doubt, at the Soviets...

I bring up the memory of the Cuban missile crises to illustrate the absolute need for clear-headedness on the part of our president in crucial times or crises.  I cannot even imagine an incoherent, nearly senile candidate such as Biden occupying the Oval Office, and being in the middle of a situation that could alter the fate of humankind by making unsound decisions for our country, and for the entire world for that matter.  His performance in the first debate with President Trump was nothing short of horrifying!   At times, he could hardly put together one sentence after another, and repeated lies that long ago had been completely debunked regarding our president.  His dishonesty and disdain for the sanctity of life is public record.  He must be soundly defeated come the November election, if not, our nation will undergo an horrendous alchemy that will morph into a Marxist/Socialist "utopia" of enslavement and death.  

These are, indeed, the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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