Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Constitution? We Don't Need No Stinking Constitution!

Are you feeling confined; unable to go where you want to go; do what you want to do -- shop, go to church, meet with your friends and family and have picnics and barbecues; go fishing, or go to the beach, but are restricted because of the current strain of the flu bug, according to the medical "authorities"?   

Do you have to wear a face-mask wherever you go?   Have to maintain "social distancing," or stand on  some stupid mark on the floor so as to not encroach on another person's "safe space" standing in front of you at the checkout counter?

Can't go into the bank lobby as you normally would have done in the not too distant past, but must go through the drive-through to conduct your business?

Are the doors of your church still shut and locked, that is, if you live in the mostly Democratically controlled states, headed by tyrannical ELECTED officials?

Do you submit to un-constitutional dictates that have no force of law?

If so, stop doing it!  


Do you realize that many of your constitutional rights are being violated every day of the week?

If you and I don't exercise our rights, we will surely lose those rights...

Ben Franklin, one of our Founding Fathers, put it quite succinctly: if you sacrifice your liberties for "security," you deserve neither.  

I urge my readers to look up and print out the following: Title 18, USC, section 242: under color of law.   This is immensely important because it points out that un-constitutional orders, mandates, or dictates whether from mayors, governors, or even the president, violate your constitutional rights under Title 18, USC (U.S. Code), and those who violate Title 18 are subject to fines and prosecution!   

Have you done any research regarding the faux "pandemic"?   Have you read the recently released statistics from the CDC's own website drastically revising downward, the number of deaths attributed solely to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)?   I check their website almost daily.  If you look at the column that lists only deaths from COVID, you will see there is a footnote.  Scroll down to read that footnote: deaths confirmed or presumed from COVID! 

Do you realize what that means???

The numbers are, and have always been, manipulated to include deaths from many causes but lumped into the COVID column.  So, if someone died from heart disease or drank himself to death, he died from the virus!  If someone died from a gunshot wound or car accident, he is listed as dying from COVID.  I'm not making this up; it has been documented and admitted to by health officials themselves.  

Read the infamous Dr. Birx... she used the words assumed and presumed when it came to deaths from COVID!   These people have perpetrated one of the most egregious and costly hoaxes on the American people in the history of our country!

Know this... this "pandemic" was planned by the haters of the Republic, haters of the Natural Law, and consequently, haters of God's divinely revealed law.  Those perpetrators are godless globalists intent on destroying, not only our country, but also our families through population control using the un-natural --and deadly -- methods of contraception, abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization (through vaccines?).

Pray for what is surely coming down the road, sooner rather than later...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla



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