Friday, September 11, 2020

The Persecution Of Fr. James Altman; His "Crime"? His Love Of Truth -- And Of Souls...

Truth is a very rare commodity these days, especially in the Catholic Church.  

When Truth Himself was asked by Pilate: "Truth?  What is truth?"

Pilate was unable to recognize the Author and creator of Truth, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Yet Pilate was standing only inches from Our Lord's bruised and scourged precious Body...

Is it any wonder why truth is almost unrecognizable today?

Truth has been watered-down; compromised; nuanced to such a degree, that it is no longer truth, and only serves the antithesis of truth, the father of lies, Satan.

Since the diabolical Second Vatican Council, the idea of objective truth was sucked out the window of the Church, you know, that infamous window that was supposed to let in fresh air into the stale, archaic church of 2,000 years founded by Christ and watered with the blood of the martyrs.

The Church had to be brought up and embrace the "spirit of the age," but in so doing, it morphed into something un-Godly; un-Christian, with infiltrators recruited by Communist agents to become "priests";  climb up the ecclesiastical ladder, reaching the rank of bishop, cardinal -- and pope?

The Church was shaken to its core with the advent of a new "mass," concocted by a demonic inspired Archbishop by the name of Bugnini, right under the nose of the weak, Pope Paul VI...

The near total destruction of the liturgy -- the law of praying is the law of believing -- has led to an almost complete disbelief in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy eucharist!  This disaster is a massive win for the devil and his minions...

Today, true Catholics flock to the Traditional Latin Mass and the associated communities where there is a sense of the sublime with praise and real worship of God almighty, with real men calling down the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, giving to those faithful laity under his charge, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist -- the Bread of Life...

Those faithful priests who preach the uncompromised truth of the Gospel, apparently have much to worry about, especially if they call out those "Catholics" who procure or support the slaughter of the pre-born.  This virtuous act -- a spiritual work of mercy -- of admonishing the sinner, is no longer considered "politically correct," and enrages the hard leftist moles, calling down the wrath of the local bishop demanding the interdiction and silencing of such good priests...

Such is the case with the zealous preacher of truth, Fr. James Altman in the state of Wisconsin...  He gives to his spiritual family the uncompromised, unadulterated truth that is needed to guide his flock to the heavenly beatitude.  His homilies hit the spiritual nail on the head, much to the chagrin of those who consider themselves progressives; those who do not know, or do not want to know God, their Master.  As Father Altman repeats time and time again: you cannot love something or someone you do not know!   Many who claim to be Catholic, do not want to know or hear the truth, and, in essence, do not want to really know Jesus Christ, their Lord...

The local bishop, William Callahan, may impose canonical disciplinary action against this good priest...  His "crime"?  Fr. Altman's love of truth -- and of souls...  A "crime" that led to much shedding of the blood of the martyrs, but that very blood watered the seed that eventually flowered into the  Church of Christ.

I ask all of good will to pray for Fr. James Altman for strength that he will assuredly need in the coming days and weeks...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for Fr. Altman...

Gene DeLalla


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