Monday, September 21, 2020

The All-Powerful Supreme Court...

 It's just a matter of time when the next fiasco of the judiciary committee begins the interrogation of President Trump's next nominee to replace the deceased, extreme anti-life, pro-homosexual female, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.   

There are several individuals that are in the running for the nomination, including at least two women.  One, I know, is a Catholic, pro-life mom of seven children, five biological, and two adopted: Amy Barrett.  

I remember that when she was up for another judicial position, she was questioned by the ultra-leftist Sen. Feinstein... 

In an incredible display of anti-Catholic bigotry, Feinstein questioned Mrs. Barrett about her Catholic faith, openly showing her disdain for the true religion, and how that might affect her potential rulings.  Such questions are, in fact, un-constitutional, as there is to be no litmus test for public office.  Unfortunately, and to my personal consternation, Barrett let her get away with it!!  Instead of getting right smack in Feinstein's face, and tell her that such statements and questions are un-constitutional and a violation of her rights, she remained quiet.  At that moment, I shook my head in disgust at the demure, wimpy, unwillingness to stand up for herself.  She had a chance to at least gain my moral support, but failed miserably.  

If Mr. Trump does, in fact, nominate her, will she show another side, stand up for herself and her faith -- and the Constitution?   I wonder...

If she is nominated and wins the approval of the Senate, will she defend to the death, the right of pre-born babies to breathe air, regardless of the "settled law" of Roe v Wade?  Or, will she capitulate and reduce to a meaningless formula, what the Fifth Commandment clearly states: Thou Shalt Not Kill? 

This brings to mind, that no matter who is appointed to the supreme court, many hoping that person, might, just might, be the one who will tip the scales of justice in favor of good over evil.  We cannot, however, depend on that common-sense reasoning as we have seen far too many "conservative" pro-life justices flip to the other side and join the liberals at the cost of the innocents as well as destroying our basic rights guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution...

As it stands right now, there will be nine justices on the court, even though there is a tumult from the leftists in the House and Senate, to "pack the court," as President Roosevelt fought to do in order to have his New Deal approved to reverse the Great Depression (admittedly planned and caused by the Federal Reserve!).

Whether or not that happens, the point is that those justices are appointed for life; they are un-elected, yet wield enormous power over our lives, negating, in many cases, the will of the people of the various states.  (I know that such "will of the people" can sometimes be the antithesis of what is right; that is the danger of a Democracy, especially a Godless Democracy.)   

So, if we put all our hopes and dreams on the next appointee to the supreme court to solve all our problems, and restore love of God, and our neighbor in our hearts and minds, we will surely be disappointed.  That doesn't mean that we have to despair; just the opposite is true.  Our hopes and dreams can only be fulfilled by submitting to Our Lord and His holy church, not to the will of men...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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