Monday, September 7, 2020

Are They Obsessed -- Or Possessed?

Evil is having a field day in many of our major cities.   But it doesn't end there...

Evil cannot stand alone; it must have enablers to help it along.

We are finally seeing those enablers up close and personal, and those responsible for the continuing mayhem we see and hear about on a daily basis sweeping our nation; they are very ones that were elected to public office by a misguided and indoctrinated John and Mary Q. Public...

As in the 1789 French Revolution, some of the original fomenters of that devilish and blood-drenched revolution became a little too conservative for the new "hip" radicals hell-bent on destroying any vestige of law and order -- and tradition.   Some of those very "founders" ended up losing their heads to the juggernaut of the guillotine, working nonstop twenty-four-hours-a-day, slaughtering mostly Catholic monarchs as well as religious and faithful laity...

Those insurrectionists and Marxist "black lives matter" rioters roaming Main Street, U.S.A., are the useful idiots supported by the domestic and foreign entities attempting to implement a new-world-order in America, regardless of the cost to our rights and freedoms that so many veterans fought and died for in the many wars since 1776...

As law-abiding and loyal Americans, we cannot let that stand!  It is up to us to save our country, just as it is up to the faithful laity in the authentic Catholic Church to save the Mystical Body of Christ, because we are certainly not getting any help from a progressive hierarchy siding mostly with the filthy, treasonous Democrats and their minions tearing our nation apart.

When you listen and watch some of these miscreants burning and looting, it is apparent to me that they are not just obsessed with their agenda, but rather possessed by the demon to carry out the heinous actions that destroys and murders the innocent.

So much for social justice, or fighting to stop police brutality.  In most instances, these anarchists betray themselves right on TV, but they don't care because they think that Mr. Trump will be removed from office come this November...  How wrong they are!  And how wrong they are thinking that the "silent majority" will let them destroy our republic without a fight.

As God-fearing, loyal Americans, it will be up to us to turn the tide of this madness and return to Christ -- individually, and as a nation.  Remember, we are not alone; He is ultimately in control... If we persevere to the end of the race, we will receive the crown of victory (St. Paul).

We must pray for our enemies as Christ demanded, but we must also protect and defend ourselves and our nation from the ravages of the ungodly and their attempt to destroy what He has blessed us with: the United States of America, founded by those brave men who gambled all for a future free from the constraints of despotism and enslavement...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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