Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Revisiting Automatic Ex-Communication (For Catholics Who Support Abortion Or Vote For Those Who Do)...

 As the 2020 November presidential election quickly approaches, it is incumbent upon Catholics to realize the real dread of committing a mortal sin by procuring or supporting abortion, or voting for those who do.

Yet there seems to be a cavalier attitude about sin in general, as opposed to days gone by when just the thought of dying with mortal sin on one's soul would almost scare the literal hell out of a person!  

This attitude is not an attitude that has recently reared its ugly face, on the contrary, it is an attitude that has been developing over at least the last few decades since the devastating Second Vatican Council.  The progressives of that council ran wild with their new vision of what the church should be, namely, bringing the church up to date with the spirit of the age.

As an aside, the idea of bringing the church up to date to accommodate the spirit of the age is nothing new.  In fact, St. Anthony of the Desert made similar remarks back in the Fourth Century!  It seems that history is certainly repeating itself here and not for the better...

We can see what that council produced: rotten fruits.  And those rotten fruits continue to scandalize the present Catholic population to the point that 50+ percent voted for the demonic Barack Obama, and sent him back to the White House for a second term, again receiving a majority of the "Catholic" vote!  

And now, there are prominent "Catholics" that are using their power and position to elect the feeble-minded Joseph (Joe) Biden, along with another radical leftist baby killer, Kamala Harris.  Apparently, there is no fear of the wrath of God almighty when it comes to facing their Particular Judgment when they will be held accountable for their actions or inactions when they take their last breath of air on this earth...

We know that the taking of innocent lives is one of the heinous sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  If it was "only" one tiny baby that was snuffed out for the "convenience" of the "mother" and "father," that would be diabolical enough, but to date, it has been calculated that nearly 61,000,000 American girls and boys have been subjected to the barbarity of abortion, being torn apart or chemically dissolved, or had their precious bodies dissected and preserved for sale to the highest bidder!

We talk about those horrific numbers, but the enormity of this ongoing slaughter is almost beyond comprehension.  The blood of these innocents will be avenged by Our Lord, and those who sentenced those tiny lives to death.  

You and I have a choice in this presidential election: either we vote for the most pro-life president this nation has ever had to hold the office, or we vote for the continuing destruction of innocent pre-born babies by voting for the likes of Biden and Harris... Sure, we are free to vote the way we want and for who we want, without anyone telling us who to cast our vote for, but Catholics must adhere to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed in the Magisterium of the authentic Catholic Church to guide us.  

It bears repeating: any Catholic that procures or helps to procure an abortion or votes for those who support legislation that enables the continuing genocide of the blessing of the new life given to us by God almighty, is automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church, thus placing himself outside of the Mystical Body of Christ forever, if that person does not repent and amend his life before he dies...

Hell is real...

Pray for discernment...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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