Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Government That Cried Wolf...

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace have been hoodwinked into thinking that the Wuhan coronavirus -- also known as COVID-19 -- is the most deadly of all viruses that have ever infected mankind since the beginning of time, or at least since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden?

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace have been hoodwinked into thinking that being locked-down, and small businesses closed, church doors slammed shut and locked, would somehow slow down or stop another strain of the flu bug?

How can it be that a good portion of the American populace couldn't put two and two together and come up with the correct answer of four, yet believed the "new math" total was five?   This "new math" convinced gullible Americans that the Walmarts, drug stores, gas stations, and liquor stores could stay open, while the only source of income for many Americans was systematically destroyed by a false narrative forcing the closing of most small businesses.  In addition, the only source of spiritual nourishment was not only restricted, but also completely stolen from the faithful by preventing the grace-giving sacraments from being administered because of weak-kneed bishops closing church doors for months on end by capitulating to the overreaching secular powers and their tyrannical, un-constitutional mandates.

Where was the so-called "separation of church and state" so often used against the church by the secular humanist atheists, that the bishops dared not to mention?

The false "pandemic" has now been completely exposed as a fake narrative used to deceive and control a once-free American society.  Even the "much-respected" government agency that wields so much influence -- the CDC -- has finally admitted that the overwhelming majority of so-called COVID-19 deaths was only a contributing factor when combined with other underlying health issues that mostly elderly suffered with.  But this new revelation was nothing new to me, as I have stated many times previously, the CDC has a footnote under the heading of deaths due to COVID, that states: "deaths with confirmed or presumed from COVID."  

Does the word "presumed" need to be defined here?   Do you see the enormous room for manipulation of the numbers to keep the fear-mongering and control in place for who knows how long against the American people?

By the way, there is no vaccine that can stop or eliminate a virus, if there was, the common cold virus would have disappeared over a hundred and fifty years ago!

The government has cried wolf -- too many times, and you would think that John Q. Public would have caught on, but it seems that the mask-wearing population is too afraid of their own shadows to tell the powers that be that they are on to the agenda of the far Left, and so, submit to the useless, filthy face covering that can do nothing to filter out the less than one micron coronavirus... 

It is time for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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