Monday, September 28, 2020

Treason! Treason! And More TREASON!

 To label an American citizen a traitor to his or her country, is a serious charge.  Yet if there was ever any doubt about treason, just take a look at those politicians and their handlers, and figure out for yourself -- by their own words and actions -- their heinous betrayal.

I will name just a few of these traitors: the current candidates running for the presidency of the U.S.; Biden/Harris; Biden's son, Hunter; Pelosi; Schumer; former president Obama -- one of the most corrupt and un-Christian characters to ever hold the highest office in the land.  There are many more on the left, but the Democrats don't have a monopoly on throwing America under the bus.  Many Republicans are just as guilty, perhaps even more so, by inaction, rather than by overt actions...

Treason does not only apply to politicians, it also applies to other entities, including some of the most powerful and influential corporations in the world, affecting the entire American fabric of society.  But the betrayal of the clergy is, perhaps, the most damning of all types of treason.

How does the treason of the clergy have such a high impact on the moral standing of a nation?

It is said, that as the church goes, so goes society...

In the runup to the November 2020 presidential election, we see the true colors of the so-called shepherds of what passes for the Catholic Church in this country.  

My readers know that I have written many times about the spiritual sloth and outright corruption of the bishops in the U.S.  My readers may also think that I'm rashly judging their public actions; I am not.  Their public actions or inactions are a matter of record, and it is our right and duty, to seek a redress of grievances in the spiritual realm as it is in the secular realm.  To date, their inactions on issues of life and death, do a grave disservice to their flocks, leading to confusion and scandal -- and the loss of souls!

Let's face it: there is nothing -- NOTHING! -- more important to any human creature than to get to Heaven when they leave this earth!   But when priests and bishops desert their sheep when the cry of the approaching wolf is heard, they are to be held responsible for the scattering of the flock and its destruction.   

The majority of the current group of bishops in our country have been compromised to the nth degree by their association and corroboration with the extreme leftist political party, the Democrats, while throwing an occasional crumb that may or may not resemble things Catholic. 

This, I'm afraid, is nothing new.  In fact, it was Pope St. Pius X that warned about the infiltration of the modernists over 100 years ago!  If he saw their treachery then, multiply that a thousand-fold, and we see the mess we have today, especially when it comes to the sanctity of life.  If there is no life, the fight for rights of the human person in the form of "social justice," "immigration," "climate change," and the like is meaningless; a sham...

In short, the American new-order Catholic population has been indoctrinated with novelty; replacing the sublime worship due Our Lord.  It is now estimated that over 70 percent of "Catholics" no longer believe -- if they ever did -- in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist!  Pope John Paul II referred to a great apostacy in the church.  I can think of no greater spiritual crime or apostacy than Catholics thinking that all they are receiving in holy communion is a wafer; a piece of bread, that is, if they still go to church at all...

Is it any wonder why our country is in such a pathetic state of affairs?   We now live in a near-police state because of a phony "pandemic"; don't wear an ineffective face-mask and you just might get arrested.  America once was the "land of the free, and the home of the brave." 

Is it still??   To be frank, I no longer recognize my beloved country; a country that I fought for many years ago, and continue to fight for, in my own way, to this very day.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla   



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