Friday, September 18, 2020


 Love and marriage: you can't have one without the other!  These words are from a popular song from days gone by...

Think about it... With actions, there are reactions.  With rights, there are responsibilities.  Even with the common cold, there is a cause. 

On a much more serious note, we see the craziness and anarchy on the streets of many of America's largest cities, with burning and looting practically on a daily basis, without much pushback -- read: non-enforcement of the rule of law -- from the police, as well as lack of action on the part of mayors, and governors elected by their constituents to protect the commonweal...   

How can this be?    

It seems that the actions are not causing the reactions necessary to combat the insurrectionists and restore law and order to the streets, causing much anguish and fear among those citizens trying to live out their lives in peace and tranquility.   

The conclusion is that those responsible for the chaos and mayhem are not being held accountable for their actions.  

But why?

Apparently, there is a weakness, at the very least, and possibly something much more sinister working behind the scenes that encourages these Marxists-mobsters in their attempt to bring down what is left of the great American experiment.

That weakness -- among those elected officials -- leads me to believe that there is a grave deficiency; a breakdown somewhere in the mental process; a lack of God-given common sense, or worse, the failure to distinguish right from wrong.   

This did not happen overnight, but took at least several decades to manifest itself into what we see happening today.  

This is more than a clashing of ideologies, or the differences between the Democrats and Republicans, it is a reflection of a drought of supernatural grace in the souls, not only of those thugs roaming the streets, but also in the souls of those shepherds responsible for the eternal destiny of their flocks...

So, why have I brought in the Catholic Church and the hierarchy into this missive?  Because, it is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  This is a fact of spiritual life that cannot be ignored.  Since the mid-1960s, and the end of the Second Vatican Council, the bishops (cardinals and popes) accepted a new "religion" to reflect the spirit of the age, further weakening their responsibilities as successors of the Apostles.

Again, as the church goes, so goes society, and we saw what occurred in the 60's and 70's; a revolution, not only in the church, but also in society in the form of the near destruction of faith and morals among the American populace.  

After so many years of imbibing the putrid rot of numerous forms of immorality, culminating in the 1973 Roe v Wade disastrous decision to make the killing of the pre-born "legal," is it any wonder that the secular schools -- and then those schools claiming to be Catholic, teaching bizarre anti-Christ and anti-American drivel -- are turning out fully indoctrinated young adults, who, it must be said, will be the future leaders of the country?

This horrid situation cannot stand!  What is happening in the streets of America cannot stand!  

In the authentic Catholic Church, there is a principle of "double effect," in the case of voting for President Trump hoping to get him re-elected, as opposed to the horror and greater tyranny of a Biden/Harris win.  We acknowledge the imperfections of Mr. Trump, yet we hope and pray for better outcomes, especially in the area of stronger pro-life legislation, etc.

This election is not just about voting for the crazed, baby killing Democrats, or the more pro-life Republicans, it is about choosing between freedom and slavery of mind and soul...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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