Thursday, September 10, 2020

You Are Ex-Communicated If You Are A Catholic And You Vote For...

Anyone who claims to be a Catholic, and votes for a politician -- specifically the Biden/Harris ticket in the upcoming 2020 November presidential election, that Catholic is automatically ex-communicated from the authentic Catholic Church founded by Christ, Our Lord!

There is absolutely no "wiggle room" here.  

If a Catholic votes for those who procure an abortion, or assists in procuring an abortion, or supports politicians that support abortion, or legislation that fosters the killing of the pre-born, you are automatically ex-communicated from the authentic Catholic Church!

I have purposely repeated myself here, because it seems there is a cavalier attitude among Catholics who vote Democratic thinking that their vote is between two different ideologies: that of the Democrats and Republicans. 

It is not.

For a Catholic to vote for a baby-killing Democrat and claim that he or she supports a "woman's right to choose," is only kidding himself into believing that they are doing God's will by voting their conscience.  It is much more than "voting their conscience," it is voting in favor of one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance: willful murder -- of the pre-born baby developing in her "mother's" womb...

What I have written, is not my opinion, it is Church teaching, period.

The Catholic who votes for those who are pro-abortion is either blissfully ignorant, or knows exactly what they are doing, and cares little for the fact that supporting abortion is a mortal sin.  That mortal sin, un-confessed, and without a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that sin again, is enough to send a soul to hell for all eternity.  Again, this is not my opinion but Church teaching.  

A liberal Catholic may claim that I am being hypocritical by condemning abortion as mortally sinful, but supports the death penalty.   This claim is false, and it shows the lack of knowledge of what the Church really teaches, and the difference between that teaching and opinion.

As a recent example, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Pope Francis, has condemned the use of the death penalty by state authorities.  However, his condemnation does not square with what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed that the state can impose the death penalty in certain situations in order to protect the commonweal, and to provide one last opportunity for the criminal to repent and convert before the penalty for his crimes is imposed.  

Many people -- including far too many Catholics -- fail to realize that the pope is the guardian; the custodian of the Deposit of Faith, not an innovator.  He has no authority to change Church teaching, therefore, his repudiation of the use of the death penalty is not binding on the consciences of faithful Catholics.  

I conclude with this admonition to those Catholics who intend to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket in the November election: you will separate yourself from holy Mother Church and place your immortal soul in dire jeopardy through the act of automatic ex-communication.  If that sin of willful murder is not confessed, and you die, you will spend all eternity in the fires of hell...

"Judge not lest ye be judged?"  In this case, a public sinner can and must be judged in order to admonish him and bring him back to the bosom of THE Catholic Church established for the salvation of souls...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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