Monday, September 14, 2020

Quiz: Who Said This...

 "Let priests take care not to accept from the liberal any ideas which, under the mask of good, pretend to reconcile justice with iniquity.  Liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep's clothing.  The priest must unveil to the people their perfidious plot, their iniquitous design.  You will be called Papist, clerical, retrograde, intolerant, but pay no heed to the derision and mockery of the wicked.  Have courage; you must never yield, nor is there any need to yield.  You must go into the attack whole-heartedly, not in secret but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open, in the view of all."   

The above quote was not expressed a couple of days or weeks ago, hardly...

It was not expressed by some "rogue" priest warning his flock about the lunatic leftist who claim to be Catholic, but in reality are radical Marxists intend on destroying the last barrier to their plot to take over the United States of America, and turn it into some deadly, Godless socialist utopia.  

We know that that last barrier is the authentic Catholic Church, not what passes for the church that is reported on an almost daily basis, uncovering the homosexual attacks on youth that has been going on for decades in the new-order "Catholic" Church; a church that has no prescription to counter the rot in the hierarchy that has become the gangrene that must be cut off in order to save what is left of the body, and stave-off its death. 

The recent plot to keep a holy priest from explaining the reality of hell to his spiritual children, has been manifest for all to see.  It seems that telling the truth of what Christ taught -- through His church -- is no longer acceptable in this era of political correctness and intolerance of anyone who dares to preach from the housetops, what is necessary to reach heaven and avoid the hell-fires that last for all eternity.

And no, the above quote cannot be attributed to Fr. James Altman who was recently censored by his local ordinary, bishop William Callahan, for telling his congregation that one cannot be a professed Catholic, and at the same time, vote Democratic.  If they do vote for Biden/Harris, or anyone that supports abortion or legislation that enables taxpayer monies to be diverted to Murder, Inc., a.k.a., "planned parenthood," they put their immortal souls in dire jeopardy.

The answer to the "quiz" question: Who Said This?  First, let me say that the quote was not said a few days or a couple of weeks ago, but over 100 years ago by Pope Saint Pius X, who reigned from 1903, to 1914!!  

Pope Saint Pius X, and Fr. James Altman were, and are warning, faithful Catholics that there were and are traitors to the authentic Catholic Church, and, hence, traitors to Christ, as the Church is His Mystical Body.  

Let me repeat what the sainted Pope said regarding the perilous times we live in: "You must go into the attack whole-heartedly, not in secret but in public, not behind barred doors, but in the open, in the view of all."

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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