Saturday, September 19, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Dead At 87...

 The world -- at least here in the United States -- is mourning the death of Justice Ginsburg at 87 years of age...

Of course, no one wishes ill on the immortal soul of this woman.  And no one would want her to be saved more than I. 

But her actions over the many years on the supreme court, tell a horrible story of supporting, to the extreme, the "legalization" of the killing of the pre-born up to and including what is termed; partial birth abortion.  Here was her analysis in her own words and her twisted reasoning: (regarding the state of Nebraska.) “A state regulation that ‘has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus’ [?] violates the Constitution.”

Really?  A "nonviable fetus"?   Violates the Constitution?  Notice how those immersed in the culture of death attempt to nuance to death, the humanness, if you will, of that baby by referring to her as a "fetus" and not a human developing in the womb of her mother?

Keep in mind that Ginsburg was also a radical supporter of the sham -- and shame -- of same-sex "marriage." 

So far, we have Ginsburg promoting two of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance!

By the way, just who are those praising her tenure on the supreme court?  Are they only liberal Democrats (I know that's redundant!), or are there those of the opposite ideological persuasions, such as "conservative," "pro-life" Republicans?   Yes, both parties just couldn't wait to jump on the "mourning bandwagon," because anything less, would mean political suicide to anyone that would dare to tell the truth about the diabolical actions of Ginsburg over the last 27 years on the supreme court!

Even President Trump felt the need -- political necessity? -- of praising Ginsburg up one side and down the other.


Know, that when we die, we will face Our Lord, Jesus Christ at our Particular Judgment; we will be held accountable for our actions, both good and evil. 

Christ, in the Bible, and through the infallible teaching of the authentic Magisterium, tells us that our works will follow us.  (Sorry, Protestants, but if you really believe in the Bible, and you claim to live by that very same Bible, then you have to admit that we are known by our fruits -- our works.  See St. James and many other passages, including those of St. Paul.)

As for the deceased justice Ginsburg, I can only hope that she is shown the mercy that she denied to the most defenseless and innocent of our species -- pre-born babies... 

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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