Friday, September 25, 2020

Our Republic Is In Dire Jeopardy

 This is not the time to sit on your couch and watch TV, or YouTube...

If we don't get off our duffs and vote, we will get what we deserve.  And what we will get will be a horror show much worse than any Hollywood script could possibly write.

We are talking about the end of the Republic, and it will be replaced with the scourge of Socialism or outright Communism, heralded by the likes of Biden and Harris. 

Let's face it, they hate their country.

Think about it: two "Americans" running for the highest office in the nation, and they hate their country?

How can this be, you ask?

The answer is almost too simple: they have sold their immortal souls for power and position on this earth, and to hell with the consequences they will face in the next.

We have witnessed the diabolical results of the influence of the evil one, culminating with the 1973 supreme court decision that "legalized" the killing of the pre-born.  With the loss of the sanctity of life, the floodgates of the law of the jungle was let loose -- in direct contradiction -- to the Natural Law and divinely revealed law of God almighty.  

One of the primary reasons that these transgressions against the supernatural life of grace in the soul is the selling out of the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church these days.  Many, if not most, of those shepherds charged with guiding their flocks to the heavenly beatitude, are in league with those anti-life, Marxist Democrats hell-bent on transforming our country into another failed Socialist experiment, with the intent on destroying our traditions -- such as our nuclear families, made up of a husband and wife, read: man and a woman, as potential fathers and mothers.

What a horrible price these traitors to Christ will pay at their Particular Judgment, unless they repent and make amends before they leave this earth.  But know this: if a person lives a life of sin and scandal, in most instances, that is the way they will die -- in their sins.  These phony shepherds have caused an incalculable loss of souls through scandal as well as the destruction of innocents by homosexual predator "priests," "bishops," and "cardinals" -- and popes?   

Here is my message to those who claim to be Catholic: you cannot vote for the baby killers, Biden/Harris.  If you do, you are automatically ex-communicated from the church.  This is not my opinion, but authentic church teaching, as a violation of the Fifth Commandment: thou shall not kill (murder the pre-born!).  If that fact doesn't convince you to vote for President Trump over the "Catholic" Biden, then you have lost all God-given common sense, as well as betraying Jesus Christ -- your Savior! 

Our Republic Is In Dire Jeopardy; get off your duffs and vote for Mr. Trump or we will all face the consequences of our moral and spiritual sloth...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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