Sunday, August 30, 2020

Self-Hating Useful Idiot "Professional" Sport Teams...

The "professional" sport teams in the U.S. have gone off the rails and descended into complete stupidity, using their teams to support the protests against supposed systemic racism and "police brutality."

I have a question for you coaches and owners of these overpaid pre-madonnas: what about protesting the violence, burning, insurrection and anarchy in some of our major cities threatening our law-abiding citizens living in fear for their very lives?


You and your teams have become the useful idiots of the extreme leftists that hate America.  I can only assume that you too hate America and all that it stands for.  If that is the case, then why don't you move yourself and your teams to North Korea, or how about Communist Red China and do your protesting in those hell-holes of humanity where your stupid protest against the state would last about two minutes, then you'd be arrested and never be seen or heard from again...

Put your money where your mouth is.  

You won't, because, in the end, even though you hate the land of your birth, you still know where your bread is buttered with money from dedicated fans who love the various sports, whether football, basketball, baseball, hockey and the like.  It is time, however, that those fans come to the realization that they too are being used by the coaches and owners to make political statements -- that have little or no basis in fact, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that they take advantage of the freedom of speech in their country to attack the very Founders that sacrificed all to bring forth a new nation out from under a despotic King George III.

Now you fools want to abolish those very freedoms that allow you to protest in the first place.  This nonsense will return to you as a boomerang returns to its thrower, only this boomerang will have much more serious consequences, now and in the future, as the rule of law and order is systematically dismantled right before our eyes, but you don't care.  

I can only hope that the majority of the American populace will finally open their eyes to the fact that they are also being used to undermine our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The superrich team owners and their leftist counterparts in the media and elected officials have betrayed their country and press for the establishment of a globalist, one-world-order socialist utopia where all will be enslaved under the thumb of "big brother."

My suggestion: don't watch or attend any professional sporting event that supports the leftist agenda that is diametrically opposed to all that is American.  Hit them where it hurts: in the pocketbook!  The choice is still yours...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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