Sunday, August 16, 2020


So, you think it couldn't happen to you?

Think again...

Do you know your rights, especially those enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution?

If you don't, I strongly suggest all my readers get very familiar with them, pronto!

But the sad and terrifying thing, is that even if you do know your rights, that is no guarantee that your rights will be read, or enumerated, to you, as required by law, when you get arrested -- for being a criminal?  No, for being freedom-loving Americans trying to uncover the filth that permeates our governmental agencies.   

Yes, for the "crime" of being a freedom-loving American, and for nothing else, except we want to express ourselves, digging for the truth, when surrounded, as we are, by lies and misinformation coming from the "press" and our own government.

It is very possible that storm troopers will swarm like killer bees around your home or workplace, dragging you right out of bed, or away from your work-desk with their weapons drawn, ready to take you out of this world, regardless of your guilt -- or innocence.  

It could go something like this: "You are under arrest."  

"Why, what did I do?"

"It is a sealed indictment; you'll be told at your arraignment..."

"But what did I do?"

At this point, you are taken hand-cuffed, and forcefully taken to jail, embarrassed in front of your neighbors or co-workers.  They give you little or no information; it will seem that the charges are from another world, and you think: "this cannot be happening, not here in America!"  You know; the country that you wore the uniform for, if you did, and put your life in jeopardy in order to protect those treasured rights; dedicated to leading a moral life as a good citizen.   This scenario is not only possible, it has happened!   And continues to happen as I write this missive...

Yesterday, for example, Millie Weaver -- a contractor for Info Wars for the last eight years, was snatched from her house, along with her husband, leaving their two, frightened children behind...

What was their crime?   

They uncovered, produced and published a bombshell video that has been taken down -- even before it officially went public.  It included a tangled web of PSYOPs and political maneuvering, especially within the deep-state intelligence agencies, that undermines our Constitution, the Natural Law, and by extension, the divinely revealed laws of God.  

Make no mistake, those who mock our Constitution -- and most importantly, our good God, are ruining what is left of our Republic, hell-bent on weakening the rule of law, and replace it with some bizarre version of a leftist utopia with the ultimate goal of absolute control over the populace.

 What is the current status of Millie and her husband?  I will attempt to find out and report back a.s.a.p....

One more thing... does anyone think that the current upheaval in the streets of America are unrelated to the deep-state and their corrupt financiers???   Check out "" for more revealing information...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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