Friday, August 28, 2020

COMMUNIST: Repeat A Lie Long Enough And Often Enough, And It Will Become The "Truth"...

 Who believes all the lies that we are force-fed by the media -- and those "authorities" that WE elected?  

Apparently, just about everybody that breathes air.

Wear that filthy, ineffective face-mask, and you are one of the "normal" ones; you are part of the obedient ones; you will be counted among the "good guys" that obeys the illicit, un-Constitutional dictates that are plastered on all doors of Walmarts, drug stores, supermarkets, etc...

Keep your face hidden from the general public and your neighbor.  By all means, hide the window to your soul.  What's next?  Wearing goggles to hide your eyes, too?

We hear the numbers of the "surge" in new cases of the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus, and lo and behold, new and more draconian restrictions on our Constitutional rights are immediately put in place by those very same elected representatives -- you know, those who work for us; we don't work for them!

Why have those mayors, governors, county commissioners, and the like, who bought the numbers that, for the most part, are made up out of thin air and believe it as gospel?  It is because of several factors, one being that they have lost their ability to use their God-given common sense and to question and research for themselves to see if the information presented is real or fake.   Also, most of the current generation of Americans have become soft; pampered; lazy, not only mentally lazy, but even more important, spiritually lazy.  If you want a starting point, go back to 1962 when the "supreme court" threw God out of the classroom; it's been all down hill from there...

Some would argue that prayer wasn't stopped in class, only "state sponsored" prayer, because, they say, that is un-Constitutional.  I have a question: where in the First Amendment has the state established a religion?  The phraseology reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.. It hasn't, but this warping and twisting of the First Amendment is used time and time again to enshrine the non-existent "separation of church and state"!  

Dare anyone counter this fake interpretation of the First Amendment, and you'll be chastised and mocked as a religious fanatic; a Bible-thumping, gun toting radical, on the fringe of accepted society.

At the same time, dare anyone question or counter the numbers of the current non-existent "pandemic" of the strain of the flu bug, and you too will be labeled a rebel; a non-conformist who will not accept "lawful" authority and their tyrannical mandates to wear the filthy, dirty bacteria breeding face-mask that does absolutely nothing to stop a microscopic virus less than 1 micron in size.  As an example, the N-95 mask is only effective down to 3 microns!  

All that happens is that you breathe in your own dirty air, filthy saliva, bacteria, and not enough oxygen to keep you within the standards set by the governmental agency, OSHA.  That's right, you cannot meet the minimal standards for a healthy oxygen intake to keep your body functioning at optimal levels...

The indoctrination and brainwashing has been enormously successful.  But be aware, it will only get worse!  How?  Forced vaccinations are right down the road and coming for you at "warp speed," the president's words, not mine...  

Will you capitulate and stick out your arm -- and the arms of  your wife and children without a fight to the death?  

Our beloved Republic is decaying from within, just as the once-great Roman Empire slowly disintegrated by immorality, the loss of the sanctity of life, and believe it or not, deficit spending with coins that gradually reduced the silver content of its coins, making them almost worthless.  Just as our paper dollar bills are backed by nothing; no gold, no silver, just the "full faith and credit of the United States"...  You can take that to the bank, right?

Tell a lie often enough, and it will become the "truth"...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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