Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Phony Saints And Real Demons...

The "great reset" of America -- and the world, is right around the corner.

So, to those who think that the current "crises" of a strain of the flu bug must be completely obliterated if we are to get back to any sense of normalcy, I urge you to think again!   There will never be a time when "normalcy" will return; it can't, because if it did, then the phony narrative pounded into the heads of the populace will be shown to be a complete failure.  This is something that the hard left can never admit...

We have been, and continue to be lied to on a daily basis, not only from the "news" media, but also from those "conservatives," both in politics, the establishment medical community, and -- most distressing -- the "Catholic" hierarchy.  

We are bombarded with manipulated numbers to continue to instill fear, control, and to restrict our guaranteed constitutional rights given to us, not by government, but by God almighty.

All the coup attempts and tricks to undermine President Trump have failed, up to now, that is...

Unfortunately, Mr. Trump has been given very bad council; he has succumbed to the false statistics of "Dr.s" Fauci and Birx, without, apparently, attempting to extrapolate information from other sources that, in  many instances, contradict what has been fed to him on a daily basis.  

The result?

A nearly destroyed economy with over 40,000,000 (MILLION) Americans thrown out of work, with many thousands of small businesses unable to reopen due to bankruptcy.  But it didn't stop there...the fear-mongering lunatics have imposed -- and continue to impose -- illegal, unconstitutional orders and mandates forcing freedom-loving Americans to wear ineffective, filthy, dirty face-masks.  In addition, in many sectors of the country, tyrannical, leftist Democrat governors and mayors, have for months, forbade the faithful from attending church services.  This could not have been accomplished without the complicit, pro-Democrat "Catholic" hierarchy in the U.S.   These bishops are cowards and traitors to their Master, Jesus Christ, and will have a very high price to pay for dragging hundreds of thousands of immortal souls down to hell with them...

There's more!

As we know, over the last few months, anarchy and rebellion has overtaken several major cities in the U.S., with killing, burning and looting -- which is still going on as I write this article!  Note too, that nearly every one of those cities are "governed" by leftist, Democrat mayors, unwilling or unable to enforce the rule of law and restore peace and order in the streets, condemning hundreds of thousands of law-abiding citizens to live in fear of their very lives.  And they have justified fear, as the numbers of murders and wounded citizens continue to rise unabated, especially in the cities of Chicago, and Portland, but also in New York and Baltimore.

Don't think for a second that the death of George Floyd was the reason for the social mayhem that has overtaken the country.  No, it was simply a catalyst for "plan B," since "plan A": the impeachment of the president didn't work out for the deep state.  And now, "plan C" has already been implemented: outright threats from the leftist/Marxists in the Congress and the Senate, as well as in the Pentagon, to forcibly remove Mr. Trump from office -- even if he wins the 2020 election by a landslide!  These treasonous miscreants aren't even hiding their plans; they are emboldened by a false sense of security, thinking that the majority of Americans are willing to live in slavery under the all-seeing eye of "big brother." 

I have to admit, they may not be too far from wrong, as more than just a handful of Americans seem to think that outright Socialism isn't all that bad an idea.  If that is the case, then the indoctrination of the masses has been wildly successful... 

But there seems to be something blowing in the wind; a new realization that our freedoms are not free, and will die a quick death if we don't exercise our rights to the fullest extent that the Constitution allows.  There are new pockets of resistance to the tyrants-in-charge, civilly disobeying their phony mandates to keep your face covered at all costs; stay home; and don't go to church for "fear" of spreading the flu bug.  Many Christians have had enough, and are risking fines and jail-time simply because they want to go to church. 

I urge all of my readers to look up on-line, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 -- Under Color Of Any Law... it is a short read, but the information destroys the unwarranted, illegal orders and mandates that have been immorally imposed helter-skelter on the citizenry of the U.S. 

Is this still America, or has it become Amerika?

The decision and choice are up to us...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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