Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Floor Of Hell Is Paved With The Skulls Of Rotten -- Spiritually DEAD -- Bishops...

This condemnation is often attributed to St. John Chrysostom, but it is more likely that the great St. Athanasius said those words or words similar.  The point that they were trying to get across to their parishioners, is that bishops -- and priests -- have a great calling; a great responsibility to lead their flocks to Christ and the heavenly beatitude, but in many cases, they fail miserably, dragging many souls with them to the eternal hell-fire.  

What we see happening in the church today is a prime example of what has happened to the bishops and priests -- I'm talking, here, mainly of those novus ordo (new order), parallel, false churches that claim to be the real Catholic church, but is only a façade, an empty shell of the Elect, the Remnant...

Over the last several months, the phony "pandemic" of the so-called Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus, has shown the true colors of most of the bishops here in the U.S., but also extends, to one degree or another, to the bishops of the world.  At the first illicit, unlawful, un-Constitutional dictate of the civilian "authorities," the bishops capitulated to their demands to shut and lock the doors of Catholic churches across our country.   I personally called the diocese to complain about the churches being shuttered; the response: "The matter is not open for discussion"!  

Did the bishop do any alternative research in an attempt to verify if such a draconian, almost unheard-of lockdown of the churches, was warranted?  Was it necessary to stop the "deadly" coronavirus? 

Did the bishop warn the civil "authorities" that the spiritual health of the souls of his flock was more important than the physical well-being of the body? 

Why have our bishops become so afraid of the potential death of the body (everyone eventually dies from something)?   Have they lost all supernatural faith in their Master, Our Lord, Christ, and the promise that if they "eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood" they will obtain eternal life (St. John Chapter Six)?

The bottom line here, is that we have Our Lord's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against His authentic Catholic Church -- the Elect, the Remnant, regardless of what weak-kneed bishops do or don't do; whether they cower to the medical tyrants, or dictatorial mayors or governors and sell-out their flocks.  

By their fruits you -- and I -- will know them!

There are very few; very few successors of the Apostles that have the guts to stand up and defend their flocks against the attacks of the ravenous wolves, attempting to tear apart the sheep entrusted to them.  

In the end, the wheat will be harvested and gathered up and stored, while the chaff will be thrown into the fire to be burned.  

Remember, obedience to the bishop is something that we Catholics adhere to, except when that obedience becomes detrimental to our Faith, at that point, if we continue to obey,  that obedience becomes a vice, not a virtue...  The Faith comes first, and as the head of my family, I am responsible for the souls entrusted to me, and I will have to answer to Our Lord at my Particular Judgment for making the proper decisions concerning the eternal destiny of my family, if I fail in that gravely important duty, I will have to pay the price...

Do the bishops believe that?

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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