Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Number One Killer Of Black Americans...

Are the police the number one killer of black Americans?


Is extreme poverty the number one killer of black Americans?


Is extreme discrimination the number one killer of black Americans?


Is diabetes the number one killer of black Americans?


Is heart disease the number one killer of black Americans?


Is sickle cell anemia the number one killer of black Americans?


Is gang violence the number one killer of black Americans?


Is WAR the number one killer of black Americans?

No, that is, not war as we understand war to be: fighting an enemy that is threatening our country, or fighting to free others from enslavement and tyranny.

What is the number one killer of black Americans?

"Planned Parenthood" is the number one killer of black Americans.

This was the planned (no pun intended) agenda of the eugenicist and founder of Murder, Inc., a.k.a. "planned parenthood," Margaret Sanger

So, this attack on black Americans is the real war being waged against our black brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable of the black race: the pre-born baby.

Our black American neighbors comprise about 13 to 14 percent of the U.S. population, but suffer an outrageous percentage of all aborted babies: between 34 and 40 percent!

Now you know the rest of the story...

To coincide with this mass slaughter, this genocide, Biden just picked the far-left, pro-death Kamala Harris as his running mate in the upcoming 2020 presidential election, the most pro-death combination in the history of U.S. politics!

Pray for a decisive defeat of these anti-life monsters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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