Friday, August 14, 2020

Why Are The Democrats In Collusion With The Rioting, Killer Mobs?

Because they are traitors to our country, that's why.

I can end my article right here and now, without any further comment, but unfortunately, far too many Americans just can't seem to get their minds around that fact, to deplore the insurrection outright.

Do those who sit on the wall think that there is some measure of social redeeming value in the various "movements" now sweeping the nation?  

Initially, that may have been true, but over the last few months, it has become more than apparent that those "movements" are nothing more than a rebellion against the rule of law, order and the commonweal of society.  And the tactics that have been used, and continue to be used to power the engine of the "movements" have proven to be deadly to friend and foe alike.

The anarchists accuse the law-abiding of what they, themselves do!  This is a tactic right out of the Marxist playbook used by the likes of Stalin, Marx, and Mao.  It is very effective in silencing those conservative, God-fearing citizens, causing them to become defensive, rather than going on the offense, taking the fight to those attempting to eradicate and destroy our traditions, including our families and organized religion.

As I have written many times, that unless we exercise our rights given to us by God, and supposedly guaranteed by government -- under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, we will surely lose those rights.  We can see a massive attack of those rights at present -- coming from, of all places -- the courts!

We will have much more to worry about, if a Biden-Harris administration were to take control of the White House in January of 2021, with the freedom of every American at high risk.  

This is not just about the Republicans versus the Democrats.  It is much more than that.  It is about some semblance of freedom and our right to fight for it, backed up by our treasured Second Amendment, versus the stated goal of turning our country into another -- failed -- socialist experiment of fear-mongering and control by the likes of the godless state.  

Remember, that without God, we can do noting as individuals, and as a nation, we will be doomed to fear and enslavement to the prince of this world.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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