Sunday, August 2, 2020

Face-Masks Required At Price Chopper Market?

Yesterday, my wife bought a few things at the supermarket chain, Price Chopper in Liberty, Missouri...

There is a sign at the front entrance telling any perspective shopper that they must wear a face-mask.  My wife walked in without a face-mask; no one stopped or questioned her, either at the entrance to the store, nor while inside the store...

I decided to stay in the parking lot and observe those shoppers coming and going...  Every customer that came out of the store had a face-mask, as well as those about to enter the store who put on their useless face-mask.  

The day was bright, sunny, with a slight breeze.  In other words, a beautiful day in western Missouri...

What I did notice, though, is that when the customers exited the store, and headed back to their vehicles, most still had on their masks while putting their groceries in their cars or pick-up trucks.  In fact, most didn't take off the masks until they got behind the wheel to head home.  

Interestingly, the Price Chopper employees that collected the shopping carts outside, in the parking lot, did not wear a face-mask

I have also seen some completely indoctrinated adult drivers wearing a face-mask while driving down the street in their vehicles!   

A recent survey claims that 9 out of 10 Americans wear a face-mask outside of their homes!  I find that hard to believe, but after watching all those mind-numbed robots entering and leaving Price Chopper, perhaps that survey is more accurate than I first thought. 

What really angers me, is that most of those "freedom-loving" Americans, accept at face value what they are told to do without researching; without questioning to find out if the (unlawful) mandates from the civil and medical "authorities" is factual or not.

That is scary!

What's next on the agenda of the fear-mongering, deep-state globalists?   Face-masks forever; "social distancing" forever; forced vaccinations for every man, woman, and child in America?   If that is the case, then we can change the spelling of our beloved nation from America, to Amerika, indicating complete government control of the populace, under the guise of "keeping us safe" from every germ under the sun...

One last thing that must be repeated: the paper or cloth face-mask -- even the "more effective" N-95, which can only filter down to 3 microns -- cannot stop the microscopic, COVID-19 virus, less than 1 micron in size!   In essence, all face-masks that you see folks wearing, are completely worthless.  In fact, when using a face-mask, you are breathing in your own germs, bacteria, dirt and saliva, and sending that filth down into your lungs.  

Remember the prophetic words of Ben Franklin: those who willingly sacrifice their liberties for security  (safety) -- deserve neither!

Resist the stupidity!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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