Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Platform Of The Democrats: Weird, Bizarre, Un-Natural, And Anti-Christ...

What is the main goal of the Democrats and their weird, bizarre, un-natural, and anti-Christ platform?  Simply stated, it is to erase whatever is left of our Republic, the family, and a God-fearing populace, in favor of a demonically inspired Marxists utopia, where the state is "god," and the state is the "family".  Remember H. Clinton, some years back, uttered her infamous: "it takes a village"?  The meaning, of course, is that the state -- including the public indoctrination centers (the schools) -- will take over the responsibility of raising your children, this will reverse the parent's role as the primary educators of their offspring.  This is not an exaggeration.   Several years ago, a judge ruled that when parents drop off their children at the doors of the school, the rights of the parents end, and the teachers and administrators takes over!  

Their platform further eviscerates the sanctity of all human life: from conception to natural death.  But they will never admit that, or say it in that manner.  They will ramble on about healthcare for "the children," a favorite ploy to show how concerned and committed they are to their voting constituents.  While, at the same time, not think twice about their extreme efforts to insure abortion-on-demand for any female, for any reason!  That, according to these miscreants, is "healthcare."     

This is a warning to all those who claim to be Catholicit is a mortal sin (meaning deadly to the soul; a sin that can condemn one to hell for all eternity) to vote for any of the abortion-loving, homosexual-loving, Marxist-loving, demon-loving Democrats that are challenging President Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

It is Church teaching that if you are Catholic and you vote for those who perform or promote the slaughter of the pre-born, you are automatically excommunicated from the authentic Catholic Church.  Let that sink in!

The Democrats no longer attempt to hide their agenda; they are emboldened by many factors, including the extreme weakness in the parallel "Catholic" church, which they now consider, their ally; not their enemy...

Whether one admits it or not, the state and the church are "joined at the hip," not separated as some claim the Constitution demands.

Anyone who dares to defy the Ten Commandments, and the Natural Law, and decides to vote for the enemies of Christ, you are a useful idiot; you have drunk the "cool-aid," as the lunatics that drank the poison cool-aid at the Jim Jones massacre, in November 1978.  Over 900 people committed suicide/murder, including nearly 300 minors.

I can assure my readers, that if the Biden/Harris conspirators win the White House, the slaughter will be much greater, and the law-abiding will be the target of their rage and radical transformation of our country.   The outlaw; the gangster; the insurrectionists; the looters; the "black lives matter" types, on the other hand, will be coddled and their violent crimes quickly forgiven.  Kiss the First Amendment goodbye, and if the Second Amendment is eradicated, all other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, will be consigned to the dustbin of history. 

Pray for strength and honor, and for the overwhelming defeat of the hard left, anti-life Biden and Harris...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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