Thursday, August 6, 2020

Putting "Lipstick On A Pig"...

It doesn't change a thing...

There is no magical alchemy involved here; what you see and hear, is what you get.

Why is it that so many Americans succumb to the lies -- and fear-mongering -- that they read and hear on a daily basis, emanating from the media? 

Because the real pandemic is, and has been, Original Sin, not a strain of the flu bug!   

That sin weakens our intellects and subjects our minds and bodies to the temptations of concupiscence.

What has that to do with the radicals' attempt to overthrow our American traditions and our way of life?


With the absence of good, evil will quickly fill the void and the current void is being filled with Communist insurrectionists burning, looting, and threatening the law-abiding nearly on a daily basis!  

I find it amazing that so many of the younger generation are the main components of the radical left that have been tearing some of our major cities apart over the last several months.  

This is a scary situation.  It leads to a very slanted and biased view of what America has been, and really is all about.

Let us call a spade a spade...

Is there real concern about "social justice," or police brutality?  Maybe.  It could be that some got involved in these bizarre movements, initially, out of genuine concern for the ills plaguing society.  On the other hand, one would have to have his head in the sand not to notice the real message being sent to peace-loving, law-abiding Americans by the likes of Antifa, and the so-called "black lives matter" Marxist/Communists, hell-bent on destroying what is left of our Republic.  The message of the radicals?  We Are The New Amerika!  And there is no place in our socialist utopia for those pro-life, freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans!

The miscreants in the medical establishment have used the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus as a façade, to practically destroy the livelihoods of nearly 40,000,000 (MILLION!!) Americans and their ability to provide for their families.

It is very sad to see that our president has succumbed to the falsified numbers of cases and deaths from the current "pandemic" that are plastered across the liberal media outlets day after day, convincing John Q. Public that this is the worst thing the world has ever experienced.  

When will it end?

That's anybody's guess, but it seems likely that it could get to the point of defending ourselves and our families according to our Second Amendment right enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution...

Make no mistake, it takes guts for the "good guys" to take action, whether in the form of legislation, or putting everything on the line for the commonweal of society...

Unfortunately, there is extreme weakness on the part of those who label themselves "conservative," whether in politics, or in the ecclesiastical realm, capitulating to fear and intimidation.  So, in effect, we are on our own.

Or are we?

If we think that is the case, then we have forgotten that Christ is in-charge of our lives, not a politician nor rioter.

Pray for our country, and for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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