Friday, August 7, 2020

We Are Seeing The Results Of Godlessness: Anarchy, Communism, Mental Illness, And More...

If a person (or group) rejects God, can that lead to anarchy -- rebellion in the soul -- manifested in outward actions, Communism, the operation of error, and, perhaps, mental illness?

What is it that we have witnessed over the last several months in our country?  Insurrection, looting, burning, killing of innocents.  This makes no sense, especially when the outlaws are not corralled and sent before a judge to pay for their actionable deeds.  In many cases, those who have been given charge over us -- our elected officials -- have failed in their duties to enforce the rule of law, undercutting the efforts of their police.

This is malfeasance of office, but even worse, they are guilty of treason to the Constitution they swore to uphold when they took their oath of office... 

And those responsible for not stopping the lawlessness in the first place, proves my point; without the rule of law, there is pure anarchy -- a tactic of the Communists.  There is no guesswork here, as the founders of the so-called "black lives matter" agitators, are avowed Marxists who want to destroy the family unit, and, ultimately organized religion. as well as America itself... 

We have seen, almost on a daily basis, the evil fruits of their agenda to eradicate any vestige of tradition and history, and insert their own version of a false egalitarianism -- false, because, in reality, there will still be an elite caste system with John Q. Public on the lowest rung of the socialist ladder...

Objective reality and truth is out the window, in favor of "feelings," something right out of the 1960's, and has now reared its ugly head, again!

This is insanity!

One thing is for sure, if we are to survive as a law-abiding, God-fearing society, we cannot, under any circumstances, strive for peace through appeasement.  It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now, nor in the future.  

If we claim to be soldiers of Christ, then there is no compromise with evil!

What we are witnessing in our beloved country today, is not the beginning of a radical takeover of our treasured institutions, but is it the successful end of their diabolical implementation of their well-planned agenda?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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