Monday, August 10, 2020

Chicago's Continuing War Zone Statistics...

 Over the last three weekends, the "windy city" of Chicago, continues to blow the stench of death and mayhem throughout several neighborhoods, inhabited mainly by a minority population.  But they are the law-abiding folks that are attempting to live out their lives, to raise their children in peace.  It is the outlaw, the "gangsta," and the drug lords fighting for territorial control of their filthy, deadly business. 

It seems that just about every major city that is governed by leftist, Democrat mayors and their failed appeasement and politically correct policies, are causing untold physical and mental devastation and actual loss of life in once-great cities.

Over this past weekend, another 35 people -- at least -- were shot as of late Sunday night/early Monday morning, leaving another four dead to add to the already unbelievable toll of misery that keeps growing under the "leadership" of openly lesbian mayor, Lori Lightfoot.   

It seems that this tyrant is more concerned with keeping people off beaches and limiting the number of people that can attend church services.  Complicit in this despicable, unlawful order, is the "cardinal archbishop," radical, homosexual friendly, Cupich, who was seen wearing a face-mask INSIDE the sparsely attended new-order mass.   In addition, Lightfoot continues to force many businesses to stay closed or restricted in the number of people allowed on the premises, further eroding their now-fragile economy, all the while the city of Chicago continues to descend into ever more chaos...

In fact, over the last three weekends, 128 people were shot and wounded, along with 16 fatalities. This number includes teenagers ranging in ages from 14 to 17 years old.  Not to mention some of the tiniest of the innocents slaughtered by stray bullets fired helter-skelter by those drive-by animals attempting to enact revenge for infringing on "their" territory or drug deals gone bad... 

These horrible statistics are far worse than the past three weekends in the war-torn country of Afghanistan!

In addition to the wounded and dead, just a day or two ago, there was an organized attack of looters that rampaged through "the magnificent  mile" in downtown Chicago, breaking windows and knocking down doors to grab their unlawful booty.  (Portland, Oregon is not far behind, with burning and looting continuing unabated; but try to find those reports on the mainstream media, you can't...)

Just imagine if one of the mayors of these war-torn cities was a Republican!  Their lack of control of the mobs would be plastered across the media day after day, 24/7!  So, what we have here is another example of a complicit, lying, hypocritical media attempting to downplay or completely cover-up the failed leftist polices that simply don't work; never have, and never will... All with the intention of throwing our once-free nation into the sinkhole of Godless socialism...

There seems to be little to celebrate in our country these days, but it is important not to despair -- one of the grace-robbing sins against the great virtue of Hope.  But the pendulum may be starting to swing back in the direction of common sense and the Natural Law, as more and more brave folks -- especially  those who head churches -- are defying the unlawful dictates and orders by the civil and medical "authorities," and opening their doors to public services!  In fact, many are Protestant pastors, leading the way to buck the system.  But where are the Catholic bishops?   Only a few have come together to force the governor of one state to relax his unlawful shut-down mandate of the churches in his state, only one!

 We cannot depend on any one politician or political party to cure all our social ills.  There is only One that we must turn to, to beg for mercy and assistance in converting the hearts and minds of our enemies: Christ Our Lord...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




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