Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hiding Behind The Flag...

Or should I rephrase the title to: misusing the Flag of our nation...

Isn't it interesting seeing the leftist Democrats making speeches, attacking President Trump, and our country, with the Flag prominently displayed behind them?   But all it takes, is to listen to their anti-American drivel constantly denigrating our nation with their bizarre agenda to destroy the middle class; keep America shut-down, making us all completely dependent on the government for money, food and shelter.

Make no mistake, this is the primary aim of these outed Marxists...

The supposed, once, people oriented Democratic Party of the pre-Hubert Humphrey era has morphed into what the old Soviet Union could only dream of: strangling and eventually defeating America from within, without firing a shot, or launching a ballistic nuclear missile...

These anti-American rogues are well-financed, not only by the deep-state globalists here in the U.S., but also from outside the country from the likes of Soros and those with command and control of the new-world-order, using billions of dollars strategically aligned against freedom-loving Americans.

Even if these band of miscreant brothers, get overwhelmingly defeated, come the November presidential election, they will still make inroads in the lesser elections for county administrators, district attorneys, town councils, and the like.  I'm not making a wild prediction here, it has already happened in states such as Virginia, where both houses of the congress flipped from Republican to a majority of Democrats, with heavy outside monies financing their hand-picked, liberal candidates...

If the abuse of our Flag weren't enough, then look at what these American haters say about our veterans... Sure, they say they'll support our active duty and those who served in years past, but what they really want to do is to dramatically reduce defense spending to the point that will make the Obama dismantling of the military look like he went on a spending spree!  Of course, there is always waste and abuse when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars to keep us and our allies safe.  Not only that, but over the last few years, there has come to light a staggering, unaccountable amount of money either lost or hidden from the auditors attempting to dig out and expose the corruption in the various federal agencies, including the Department of Defense (DOD), NSA, the CIA, and others...

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of this ongoing fraudulent mess, these hypocritical creeps talk out of both sides of their mouths, with absolutely no effort to find out the truth to bring justice to those thieves and felons.  Unfortunately, the Republicans are little better and seem to be incapable to righting the wrongs draining the pocketbooks of their constituents...

So, the choice this November is more than clear: if Biden/Harris take the White House, kiss our America goodbye.  If Trump wins the election, he has much to change in his administration, especially to expose and fire those deep-staters that have burrowed themselves so deep into the halls and walls of government, that it seems that we are dealing with a foreign enemy -- on our own soil!

Pray for the defeat of these Marxists, and pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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