Thursday, August 20, 2020

Taking Another Look At "9/11"...

How many know that in 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber slammed into the 78th to 80th floors of the Empire State Building, killing 14 people including three crewmen and 11 civilians working at their desks, and severely injured about 25 more in the building?

The damage, mostly fire, was considerable between those two floors, but structural integrity remained intact.  In fact, the following Monday, the building was completely open for business and tourists...

The Empire State building was not only the tallest building in the world at that time, it was also the strongest, most well-built skyscraper on earth!

Then, in April of 1973, the seven-building world trade center complex opened for business, including the iconic Twin Towers that were, supposedly, brought down by two jet aircraft on "9/11", 2001.  One of the problems with that theory is, that the designers of the twin towers, had them built to withstand multiple jet hits.  I think that needs repeating: those buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  This is important on many levels, including the fact that no skyscraper has ever come down from fire, and fire, we are told, is the reason the steel core beams melted and gave way, causing each tower to fall -- in its own footprint!

That is the official narrative that the government wanted the public -- and the families of those nearly 3,000 Americans who died -- to believe.  It just doesn't add up; it didn't then, and it doesn't add up now, nearly 20 years after the successful plot to bring down the towers...

Over the last two decades, many books and articles have been written describing in detail, how those towers actually came down (not by fire), and somehow falling into their own footprint.  The jets that hit the buildings, did damage, for sure, but the jet fuel that ignited into a fireball, quickly burned out, with only residual fire from burning office furniture.  The massive steel core beams, we are told, began to melt because of the office furniture burning.  This is complete nonsense; the temperature required to weaken and melt multiple-inch thick steel beams is over 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit (F)!

 We are also told, that those "passenger" jets somehow evaded NORAD, and the jet fighters that are on alert 24/7/365.  Experienced fighter pilots, as well as airline jet pilots, reject the idea that the maneuvers witnessed by the public and recorded on video, were possible considering the speed and the angle the jets hit the towers. 

As a point from personal experience... I was in the Strategic Air Command in the mid- to late-1960s.  NORAD (jointly run by the U.S. and Canada) were the eyes and ears of SAC.  Any plane or missile, launched in any part of the world, was immediately seen and tracked by NORAD.  When the "attacking aircraft" were first observed, it was quickly reported up the -- civilian -- chain of command.  The rest is history... the alert jet fighters were either not sent to intercept the jets, or diverted elsewhere, away from their targets heading for the Twin Towers.

What we are talking about here, is treason, pure and simple!  Yes, it was our own government, not some Arab Muslims from caves in Afghanistan, that took down those towers!  Also, keep in mind that Building 7 was not hit by any aircraft or flying missile, but supposedly came down from fires from burning office furniture.  Sound familiar?

Anyone who has seen Bldg. 7 come down, can easily determine that it was an example of a perfectly timed demolition.  Even the owner of the World Trade Center complex, Larry Silverstein, is on video saying to "pull it;" that term is used by those companies whose careers are to bring down buildings up to and including skyscrapers...

The overall result of "9/11," was not only a loss of our basic freedoms, but also endless wars in the Middle East, especially Afghanistan (and Iraq under other false pretenses).  We know the "statistics" of those wars, in treasure, but most importantly, in human lives, both our military and innocent civilians caught up in the turmoil and mayhem of almost constant wars over the last two decades...

And now, dear reader, we have another of "9/11": the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus that has further eroded our freedom to breathe free, go to church, and enjoy all of our God-given rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

The Christ-haters will stop at nothing to suppress our rights into oblivion.  But they are still fearful on one core amendment to our Constitution: The most important, Second Amendment.  Our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves against a runaway, tyrannical, behemoth central government, as well as unlawful "orders" and "mandates" from petty mayors, governors, and even the president...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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