Monday, August 17, 2020

It's The Human "Virus" That Must Be Eliminated!!

We hear from the medical "experts" that we must do all in our power to defeat the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus if we are to return to any sense of normalcy; whether going to church, shopping, or just going for a walk in a park, without wearing an ineffective, bacteria-gathering face-mask.

But what if the real agenda; the real goal is to eliminate or reduce humanity -- as the most dangerous "virus" that threatens the very existence of the earth?

Is this something that emanates from local entities, or is this agenda a much more sinister plan from the globalists, intent on bringing down the 7,000,000.000 (billion) human population that inhabit the earth to a more "manageable" number as low as 500,000,000 (million).  We have read and heard the horror stories that originate from the likes of Gates, Fauci, and the big pharmaceutical companies rushing -- at warp speed -- to produce new, but mostly untested and potentially deadly vaccines.  

How in heaven's name can the world's population be reduced from 7,000,000,000 to 500,000,000?  The only way such a massive, attempted extinction of the human population can take place, is either by a targeted nuclear attack on an unsuspecting citizenry by a rogue military; by poisoning our water and food supply; or, by forced vaccination of every single person on earth, containing destructive altering of our DNA and RNA.  If this takes place, then eventually, through attrition, we humans may resemble some mutant wild animal.  Would this new species have an immortal soul?   

Here is a headline from Johns Hopkins: Mutated Virus Strain Not Seen As More Deadly...

Mutated virus strain?  Not seen as more deadly -- than what?  

Are we going to be forcibly injected with untried vaccines that may contain some weird strain of a mutated virus? 

Events are truly accelerating -- to use President Trump's very words: at "warp speed," but not only when it comes to vaccines, but also when it comes to our loss of our freedoms and liberties, under constant attack from those Godless leftist and Marxist Communists that control many of our educational institutions, media and government agencies.

Senator Joseph McCarthy was right: the infiltration of the Communists into our government that took place back in the 1930's, 40's and 50.s, has only gotten worse, especially during the eight years of the anti-American, Muslim, Barack Obama.  And now his second in command, the sexual predator, Biden, has recruited another treasonous running mate in the form of the baby-killing Harris.  Who, by the way, will probably take over the reins of the ship of state when the dementia-plagued Biden can no longer remember his own name, or what state he's in, providing, of course, they defeat Trump... A true nightmare!

The demons unleashed by Satan are currently having a field day in our country, and around the world.  But there is always hope knowing that the demon knows, that in the end, he will be defeated by the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ Our Lord, crushing his filthy, slimy head!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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