Friday, July 31, 2020

It's All About Sexual Promiscuity..

Regardless of the social or political movement, or cause, the commotion is all about unrestrained, sexual promiscuity.   

How so?

Look at those politicians, or Antifa anarchists, or, especially, the newest of the bizarre and seditious groups to wreak havoc on the streets of America, the so-called "black lives matter" Marxists, and what is the real bottom line to them?  What is the real cause celeb? 

No, it's not about justice or police brutality.  If one looks a little deeper, you will see that every single one of these lunatic entities, are concerned with one thing: the ability to engage in sexual promiscuity without any restraint or rules whatsoever.

I'm not exaggerating one single bit, because they know that if or when the female gets pregnant  (because the pill didn't work) there is always the available "legal" killing of that new life through the heinous procedure of abortion.

If you notice, one of the aims or goals of these groups is the destruction of the family unit.  Of course, that means not having any moral authority tell those folks what to do, or not to do regarding their own bodies.  

We have seen the signs: "my body, my choice."   

This faulty thinking rejects the idea that our bodies are not ours to do what we please.   Our bodies are supposed to be the temples of the Holy Ghost, designed for the purpose of multiplying and subduing the earth, if in the married state...

Sadly, it is not only the radical, leftist, anti-life Christ-haters that have little regard for any moral objectivity, it is also those women -- and men, of course -- who claim to be Christian/Catholic that have revolted against the moral teachings of the Natural Law, and the church's magisterium, regarding faith and morals.  

To such individuals, there is no accountability; there is no one to answer to for their actions, except themselves, so long as their actions do not impugn or restrict in some way, the rights of others.  This is right out of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, formulated from the reign of terror known as the French Revolution of 1789... 

No one to judge their actions; no judge, jury or church...

We see burning and destruction of people and businesses that, in some cases, poured their entire life-savings (blood, sweat and tears) to establish, only to see their dream destroyed right in front of their eyes, with little or no help from the police to stop the madness.

These are the same gangster-thugs that wouldn't give a second thought to destroying the little pre-born baby girl developing in the womb of her mother, rather than accept the responsibility for their sexual activity... 

After all, It's All About Sexual Promiscuity, and keeping abortion "legal" and "safe." Safe for who?  Certainly not for the target of the barbaric diabolical procedure...

Pray for our country...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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