Monday, July 13, 2020

Update On Governor Newsom Of California... All Churches In 31 Counties In California Have Been Ordered Closed -- Again!!!

The irony of it all!

I just posted an article (see here Lunacy Or Tyranny -- Or Both?), and lo and behold!  Governor Newsom of California just ordered the closure of all churches in 31 -- count them -- 31 counties in his state (actually, it doesn't belong to this dictator, the state belongs to the people!) because of the faux "pandemic" of the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus...

Now, good people, if you think that other governors will follow this clowns lead, you are correct.  In fact, I'll go one further... The "Catholic" bishops will sheepishly comply without a whimper; without a challenge to the absolute despotism of this so-called, self-described "Catholic" governor.

The agents of Satan are happily doing his work.  The demon knows that the true Catholic Church is the last bastion that must be destroyed in order for the reign of the anti-Christ to be made publicly known.  Without that destruction, he has little chance of corrupting and deceiving even the Elect, if that is possible.

So, get ready Catholics and others, to endure another lockdown of our churches.  But! there is an alternative: don't let it happen!  We can protest just like the enemies of Christ "protest," only we don't destroy and burn and loot.   We cannot and will not lower ourselves to their level, but we will defend ourselves, our families, our properties and our churches, even without any help from weak-willed bishops who capitulate to the civil and medical "authorities" at the drop of a hat...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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