Thursday, July 23, 2020

New -- But Conflicting -- Death Totals -- Supposedly -- From The Wuhan (COVID-19) Virus...

As of July 23, 2020, the CDC reports 131,320 total deaths supposedly from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  Yet, the mainstream media's numbers are much higher: 145,384.

So, who's telling the truth?

Actually, neither.

I have to point out, again, that the CDC's own website lists the current number of deaths, with the caveat, or footnote, number one, that reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Let us remember that Dr. Birx used, not only the word presumed, but also the word assumed, when it came to the numbers of cases and deaths from the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus.  

Is that science?

No, it's junk-science, or it is closer to gibberish? 

But it's working, and she and others are getting away with this unscientific nonsense, without one single question from our elected representatives, save for one or two, perhaps.  Most importantly, President Trump has bought the narrative, hook, line, and sinker, and is now considering a potential illegal face-mask mandate, along with the possibility of mandatory vaccinations with an untried, untested Wuhan (COVID-19) vaccine.  So far, he has not given in to such an un-Constitutional dictate, but from the words that I hear him speaking recently, I think that's right around the corner...  

Look at all the new face-mask mandates, or should I say, unlawful dictates emanating from the mouths of both Democrat and Republican mayors, and especially, governors.

We have been sold a bill of goods.   

Let me reiterate, that face-masks do absolutely nothing to prevent or stop an airborne  Wuhan (COVID-19) virus from getting into your system.  Most masks -- even the N-95 mask -- can only filter down to three (3) microns, whereas a paper or cloth mask is even less effective, as the Wuhan is less than one (1) micron in size!   

This is all about maintaining an atmosphere of fear -- and control, and to prepare a gullible population to accept the next round of un-American, un-Constitutional mandates that violate our rights guaranteed by God, and written in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.  

The time for choosing sides is at hand...  pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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