Friday, July 17, 2020

Tyranny: Cruel And Oppressive Government Or Rule, And The Destruction Of Our God-Given Rights...

Have you been forced to wear a face-mask by your town or state?

Don't submit.

Have your churches been shut down -- or shut down again?

Protest at your bishop's residence.

Love going to Walmart, or Sam's Club, or Costco? 

But now you are required to wear an unhealthy, filthy face-mask that collects your bacteria, dust, saliva, and germs, and sends them right back down your throat into your lungs?

Don't submit.

Did you know that the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus is less than 1 micron in size, and even the N-95 mask can only filter down to 3 microns in size?

Don't wear that mask. 

Don't submit.

After all, people, this is not about being "safe" and "secure" (remember what Ben Franklin said about that: if you give up your liberties for security, you deserve neither), this is about CONTROL, and POWER of the tyrants, whether at the federal or state level...

Make no mistake: if we submit to these orders and rules -- not laws! -- then the next step will be mandatory vaccinations, which, "they" say, will "allow" you to be included in the herd of sheeple, and shop where you want, so long as you submit and wear that dirty, filthy mask...

Know too, that the current vaccine for the Wuhan (COVID-19) that is being developed, will skip animal trials, and be directly experimented on humans.  

Remember MK-ULTRA, and the experiment on G.I.s to control their minds?

Wearing a face-mask is a little different, that is, until that untried, untested vaccine is pumped into your arms, then the submission will be complete, and you will be able to be "free" -- so long as you obey, and don't dare to buck the system!

I urge all my readers to read Title 18, U.S.C. (U.S. Code), section 242.  This is available on-line; print it out and keep it handy; in your house and in your car.

Being forced to wear a face-mask violates our First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.   Read, know, and exercise your rights, if you don't, you will lose those precious rights given to us -- not by government -- but by God Almighty!

We must understand that what is happening to us, and our country, does not only affect us now, but also our children and our children's children.  Let that sink in!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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